Still in hospital

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Lita's POV

It's been a week since Trish fainted and let's just say I haven't left her side I will never leave my best friends side I tell Matt and Jeff everything about Trish and tell them how she is, they ask if Trish has woke up I reply with a 'no' they are getting worried and so am I

Nurse: Lita do you want to go home you look tired

Lita: no I'm fine I want to stay by my best friends side

Nurse: you sure sweetie

Lita: I'm sure

Nurse: *smiles*  Trish is lucky to have a friend like you

Lita: I'm lucky to have her as a friend

Nurse: *smiles*

The nurse left and I looked at Trish

Lita: Trish come on wake up we miss you Jeff tries his best in the ring but he gets hurt a lot because he misses you please wake up Jeff wants his girlfriend back, me and Matt want our best friend back

Trish: *opens her eyes* L...Lita

Lita: Trish you're awake

Trish: what happened

Lita: me and you got hurt so we came in here, we went into a coma, when we woke up Test and Edge came and Test pushed us to the ground I was fine but you fainted and you have been in here for a week

Trish: I heard about Jeff

Lita: yeah he can' concentrate

Trish: I need to go

Lita: it's up to the doctor

Trish: he better let me go I want to surprise Jeff and Matt

Lita: okay

Doctor: hello sleepy head

Lita: can Trish come home

Doctor: I need to check something and if it's good then she can go home

Trish: okay

The doctor walked out

Lita: I hope you can come back

Trish: same

Doctor: *walks back in* yes Trish can go home

Lita: that's great

Trish: *smiles* yes

Lita: here these are the spare clothes that Matt and Jeff brought for you when you woke up

Trish: okay

Doctor: *walks out of the room*

Lita: go get changed and we can surprise the boys

Trish walked into the bathroom and changed into her clothes and we walked out of the room and I signed her out and we walked to my car

Trish: *excited* I can't wait to see the boys again

Lita: me either

Trish: what do you mean?

Lita: I stayed by your side because I know if I was in your position you would be by my side

Trish: that's true *smiles*

We got in the car and Lita drove to the arena

End of POV

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