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Matt's POV

Me and Jeff stormed out of our locker room and went to find Test and Albert

Jeff: I hate them so much

Matt: so do I

Jeff: they think we are weak

Matt: when we are not

???; well if it isn't the Hardy's

We turned around and saw Test and Alert

Test: so Trish told you

Jeff: yeah we are not weak

Albert: yes you are

Matt: if we were weak then we wouldn't want to fight you now

Test: well let's just say *turns to Albert* we know who is a snitch and who should get beat up

Matt: you lay a finger on either Lita

Jeff: or Trish we will kill you

Albert: just give up Hardy's you won't beat us

Jeff: watch us

Test: *attacks Jeff*

Jeff: *dodges the punch and then starts to attack Test*

Matt: *attacks Albert*

We ended up getting split apart by the officals

Test: oh you two are dead meat

Jeff: don't care

Matt: lets go Jeff

Jeff okay

We walked back until we got attacked from behind

End of POV

Trish's POV

Me and Lita are still in Matt and Jeff's locker room

Lita: we haven't hung out in ages

Trish: I know I have a feeling that you and Matt have started dating

Lita: yep

Trish: I'm so happy for you

Lita: thanks what about you and Jeff are you okay with each other

Trish: okay? we are dating

Lita: how?

Trish: well we said that we could give our relationship another go

Lita: that's good news

Trish: I'm so happy

Lita: where are the boys?

Trish: I don't know they went an hour ago

Lita: *turns on the TV*

J.R: well folks moments ago Matt and Jeff Hardy went looking for Test and Albert and got into a fight the officials tried to split them apart

Jerry: then Test and Albert attacked the Hardy's from behind

We looked at each other

J.R: now the Hardy's are getting medical attention

We looked at each other and then ran out of the room to find Matt and Jeff when we found them they were out their eyes were closed we were worried

Trish: Jeff

Lita: Matt

Official: Lita Trish they can't hear you

Trish: w..what

Lita: *looks at Trish and hugs her*

???: what's going on here

Trish: E..Edge

Edge: yeah what's wrong

Lita: none of your business Edge

Edge: *taken back* Lita

Lita: don't talk to me

Trish: what happened

Lita: tell you later let's go

Trish: okay

We walked away while Lita told me the story

Lita: so that's why I hate him

paramedic: you girls coming

Lita: yeah

We got into the ambulance and they set off

Trish: I wish I never turned my back on you three I'm so sorry Lita

Lita: hey it's okay

Trish: it's not I am the reason why Matt and Jeff are in the ambulance, I should've just stayed with you three *sheds a tear*

Lita: it's okay if they can get hurt by 2 big men like big and Kane or Kane and Taker then they will pull out of this

Trish: you're right Lita *wipes her tears away*

End of POV

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