few weeks later

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Trish's POV

Me and Lita were in a tag match together we got ready and walked down the ramp together

near the end of the match

I pinned our opponent and then I got attacked from behind and so did Lita

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Matt were watching our girlfriend's match and they picked up the win and then we saw Test and Edge attack Lita and Trish we looked at each other and we ran down to the ring and not far behind was nearly the whole locker room we pulled them off of Lita and Trish the rest of the locker room fought Edge and Test while me and Matt took our girlfriends to the hospital

At the hospital

We got to the hospital and carried them into the hospital some people took them away from us and we went into the waiting area 

Matt: I hope the girls are okay

Jeff: yeah

Matt: I can't believe what they did to Lita and Trish

Jeff: I know when I get the chance I am going to kill them

Matt: so am I

End of POV

Matt's POV

Me and Jeff have been waiting for an hour to get the news for Lita and Trish and nothing so far

Jeff: how long have we been here

Matt: no clue

Jeff: *sighs*

Doctor: Lita and Trish

M&J: here

Doctor: sorry for the wait but the problem is that Lita and Trish are in a coma

Matt: what? Will they be okay?

Doctor: we don't know yet

Jeff: can we see them?

Doctor: sure their in room 235

Jeff: thank you

Me and Jeff quick walked to their room and we walked in and saw our beautiful girlfriends just laying on the hospital beds lifeless

Jeff: *sighs* this is out fault

Matt: I know this wouldn't have happened if we were at ringside

Jeff: we promised them that nothing and no one will ever hurt them

Matt: they are going to hate us

Jeff: they won't Matt

End of POV

Lita's POV

I see is darkness but I can hear voices they sound like Matt and Jeff I can't believe that Matt says that we will hate them because they didn't help us

End of POV

Matt's POV

It hurting me I stood outside the room for a breather Jeff stayed in the room

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Matt went outside to take a breather I can understand it's hard to see your girlfriend in the hospital this must how it felt for Trish and Lita when it was me and Matt in the hospital I looked down the doctor doesn't know how long it will take till they wake up ugh this is all our fault I put my head down gosh this wouldn't have happened if me and Matt were down at ringside

End of POV

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