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Lita's POV

The ambulance stopped and I saw we were at the hospital me and Trish got out of the ambulance then Matt and Jeff got brought out and taken into the hospital

Trish: Lita you okay

Lita: yeah just hurts to see Matt in that situation

Trish: it hurts to see Jeff like that as well

Lita: we should've been with them

Trish: I know

paramedic: you girls can wait in the waiting room until we know about the boys condition

Lita: thank you

We followed and walked into the waiting room there were people there when the door closed they looked our way and some ran to us

Girl: oh my gosh it's Lita

Lita: hi

Boy: it's Trish

Girl 2: Lita Trish I'm sorry about Matt and Jeff I saw what happened

Me and Trish just looked at each other and smiled

After 5 minutes

Doctor: Hardy's

L&T: here

Doctor: come with me

Trish: okay

We followed the doctor to another room

Lita: what's going on

Doctor: good news we have stopped the bleeding from their heads

Trish: okay

Doctor: bad news is they might not remember anything

Lita: so they both might loose their memory

Doctor: yeah I'm so sorry

Lita: thank you for telling us

Doctor: you can see them they are both in room 239

Trish: thank you

We walked past the doctor and went to the top corridor room 237, 238 and here we are room 239 we didn't dare to walk in we both took a deep breath and walked in and I saw Matt was on the right and Jeff on the left

Trish: oh my gosh

Lita: I don't think I can stay here Trish it hurts so much

Trish: I know but we have to be strong for the boys

Lita: *takes a deep breath* yeah it just hurts to see Matt this way

Trish: it hurts to see Jeff this way but I have been here so many times well if not me then Matt when Jeff use to get hurt a lot

Lita: really

Trish: oh yeah

End of POV

Matt's POV

I can't see anything but I can hear voices

End of POV

Jeff's POV

All I can see is darkness I can't move but I can hear voices they sound familiar

End of POV

Trish's POV

I was talking to Lita until the doctor came in and told us that visiting times were over

Trish: okay

Lita: come on Trish

We got a lift from Christian

Trish: thank you Christian

Christian: no problem girls

We got to the arena and we got out and ran to the Hardy's locker room to check if everything was there it was we don't want anything being touched

Lita: *sighs*

Trish: let's keep this stuff safe so no one can come in here and trash it

Lita: yeah but we don't have a spare

Trish: no but I know where they keep the spare

Lita: where

Trish: let me get it

I went to get the spare key and we walked out and locked the door and headed to Lita's locker room

Lita: I hope they wake up and remember us

Trish: so do I

End of POV

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