Chapter 32: she's not dead is she?

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"So you'll go to school tomorrow, Carrie's gonna call WestBrooke and have all your information transferred over." She explained, catching my attention. I nodded my head, and moved back a few feet away from the dog and sat on the grass. "And Suzy, you're going to start school at the elementary school at the corner of this street tomorrow okay?"

"I'm in first grade." She said, standing up,
still petting Kovu. Kimberly laughs, and pets Kovu aswell.


"This is Cora, my daughter." Kimberly says as a girl a few years younger than me walks through the front door with an elderly woman. "And this is my mom Cheryl."

I waved at the both of them, nervously, both of them smiling and waving back. "New people?" Cora asked, tossing her bag down. Her mom nodded at her, and Cora came over. "Hi, I'm Cora Peters. And you guys are?"

"Alexis Deaken." I stated, staring at her, if I had to guess her age I'd say around thirteen.

"Suzy Rodriguez." Suzy replies, sternly making me chuckle. I pat her head awkwardly, and then retracted my hand when I remembered she wasn't an animal.

"I'm twelve." Cora says randomly, flipping her curly blonde hair over her shoulder with a smile on her face. "I also do dance, which is why I'm dressed like this. It was nice meeting you all, but I have to go." She says, before running up the stairs not giving anyone a chance to respond.

Kimberly smiled at us, "She's a crazy one. You'll like her, trust me."

Suzy took off into the other room after that to go play with Kovu some more. I stood there for awhile, until I ended up in the kitchen sitting with Cheryl and Kimberly and talked. It wasn't about anything in particular, but just talking to ease the awkwardness.

Lindsay's POV-

When I opened the door to my house, Grayson and Gabriel stood on my doorstep. I stared at the two of them questioning why they were at my place, it was becoming night time, and I still had no clue where Alexis' was and honestly I just wanted to be alone.

The thought of my best friend possibly being dead continues to lurk in my mind as the days go by. It's bad thoughts – I know, but I can't fucking help it. I don't know where she is, or what she's doing, or even if she's okay.

A cough interrupted my thinking, and I looked at Gabe who's fingers were in his hair. "You're probably gonna wanna hear this." He said, taking a step forward.

The reason for them being here, finally clicked in my head, and I immediately gripped onto their wrists and pulling them into the house, slamming the door shut behind me. "Where is she? She's not dead is she? Please, God, please, tell me she's okay."

"Let's sit down first." Gabe said, pulling me into the den, and we all sit around on the couch. I stared back and forth from Gabe and Grayson.

Truthfully, I'm not a fan of either of them because they took my best friend away from me. I barely ever see her and when I do, she's with these two. Ever since she started being friends with them I felt like she left me behind. Even after she told us all about her step dad, she still always went to them.

Never to me. She chose them over me, and I know she didn't mean to but it still bothers me. We promised eachother nothing would come between us but these two idiots did. They came in and stole my friend, my sister, my family.

"Alexis was here today, we seen her this morning for a bit." Grayson spoke, catching me off guard. My eyes widened, and I gasped.

She's alive? She was here! Wait, wait, was? So where is she. "W-was? Why was?" I said, my voice shaking as I talked. Where did she go? Did she run again? God Alexis! Stop running for Christ's Sake!

"She came to get her things, I guess child services came and got her. She never went into full details about what exactly happened. All we know at this point is she's living with a foster family. They called a little while ago and told my Dad." Gabe said, "Well... our Dad."

"She knows you guys have the same Dad?" I asked him, remembering when he outed about it at the lunch table the other day. Him and Grayson showed up to school for once to see if she was there but she wasn't so they came and talked to us, asking if we heard anything – until Gabriel told us that him and Alexis are siblings.

He nods his head, sitting forward on the couch, "She knows, she also knows my Dad is trying to take custody of her. The court date is next month."

"That's a long time." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. One month without Alexis here.
"Do you even think she'll make it a month on her own with people she doesn't know?"

"Of course she will." Grayson said, defending her. "She's been living on her own for so long now this month won't be hard for her. They said the family she's with – they're nice, it's something I know Alexis isn't gonna try and run from. Especially if she wants to come home in a month. We told her to behave, I know she'll do her absolute best."

"But, since we know how she works, we'll be expecting atleast one slip up from her." Gabe adds in. I nodded my head, listening to the two of them talk. "We just have to hope she doesn't. Thankfully though, we're allowed to call her once a week. So I was thinking on Saturday when we can, we all meet at my house."

"The rest of our friends too right?" I said, referring to Madison, Caleb, Dean, Austin, and Brett. "They've gotta be there aswell."

"Yeah them too. Just be there around Noon." He said, standing up. "Oh and by the way, do not say a word to any of this to anyone besides your little squad. It's news that shouldn't be brought up to people she didn't know that well. If anyone asks, Alexis is with her grandparents living with them for a bit because one of them is sick."

"Gotcha." I said, walking them to the door. "Hey guys," I said as they walked out the door. They stopped and turned around. "Thanks for coming to tell me. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." Grayson said. Once they left I called Brett and told him.

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