Part9:Travelling with BTS

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Previously...........I gave BTS a surprise I brought Gucci stuff for V,an Iphone 7 plus for Jungkook,a recipe book for Jin,glasses for Jimin,puma sweat shirt for J-hope and air planes tickets for Rap Monster and the rest.
At night RM(Rap Monster) texted me he asked me if I still had a crush on JK(Jungkook) I texted yes I still have feelings for him but if I dump V and go with JK it would be so unfair to V so RM texted tomorrow in the plane sit in the middle and I bet one of them would say I love you to you so if V say it first than be V's Girlfriend if JK say it first than be JK's Girlfriend alright? I texted alright but what if both of them say it at the same time? RM texted call me I will think of something ok go to sleep and don't tell the guys of this conversation I texted alright byee RM tell the rest I said Good night to them RM texted sure see you tomorrow.

The next day I was so excited to go Japan with the guys than my mom called me downstairs and she asked,"Have you packed your things?"
Me:Yee I have Mom
Mom:Alright good remember to be careful
Me:Alright mom I promised you I will be careful
My Mom nodded and said,"How many of your"friends"are going?
Me:Oh 7 of them
Mom:Have I heard of them before?
Me:Yes I told you about them before remember?
Mom:Oh I remember you said it the first day you come back home right?
Me:Yes Mom that's them
Mom:They are boys right in a band?
Me:How did you know Mom?
Mom:I kinda read your diary where you were not at home
Mom:Sorry I just want to know more of my Daughter friends
Me:Seriously Mom alright never mind I'll go text them and asked them where will I meet them
Mom:Alright remember to text me when you reach Japan
I nodded my head and got to my room.
                       "BTS group chat"
Me:Hi!!!!Guys good morning
Jimin:Good Morning
Me:Hi Jimin where are the rest haven't they woke up yet?
Jimin:Nah they are still sleeping
Me:Haha Why did you wake up so early today?
Jimin:Oh because I'm Super excited for today I can't even sleep yesterday the hyungs were so sleepy that they slept outside the living room
Me:Oh poor hyungs and poor Jimin
Jimin:Haha did you sleep well?
Me:Kind of but I kept thinking what RM said yesterday
Jimin:What did he said?
Me:Oh no I promised him that I could not tell anyone but I did OH NO!!!!
Jimin:Why don't we chat at my private message
                                   BTS Jimin
Jimin:Hello alright tell me what RM said to you
Me:But please do not tell anyone anymore
Me:You know me and V are a couple right
Jimin:Yeah don't tell me you are gonna break up with him??!!!
Me:No I'm not gonna break up with him
Jimin:Than if you are not breaking up with him than what did RM told you?
Jimin:Say it
Jimin:Are you seriously you have feelings for JK!!!!!???
Me:Yeah I don't know what to do
Jimin:Alright so what did RM said after that?
Me:He said told me to sit in the middle of JK and V in the plane
Me:He said if one of them says I love you to me he wants me to be with one of them
Jimin:How does he know one of them is going to say I love you?
Me:I asked him and he said he is the smartest among everyone
Jimin:Some of his words may be stupid or dump
Me:Haha really??
Jimin:Yup last time he said that Jin would cook steak for everyone but than Jin didn't even cook for us
Jimin:So just remember to just follow what your heart wants to be with
Me:Alright you made my day already Chim Chim
Jimin:Really???!! I just said a few words
Me:Yes you made my day look at the time it's 7.30 already are the boys up yet?
Jimin:Um....let me check
Jimin:They are all awake oh no....
Me:What's the problem
Jimin:RM caught me texting you
Me:Don't tell him that I tell you the secret
Jimin:Alright sure see you in school later
Me:Byee Chim Chim

After all that conversation I was all ready to go to school I met them at the school gate all of their faces are smiling brightly especially J-hope's face as they saw me they said,"Hi Morning did you sleep well?"
Me:Yes I did how about you guys
All of them except Jimin:Yes we did but Chim Chim didn't
I smiled at Jimin I already knew he didn't sleep well from all that conversation in the morning so I was acting that I didn't know
V and Jungkook grabbed me and said,"Are you excited?"
Me:Yes I am
JK:Can you sit with me in the plane?
V:No no hold on a second she is my Babe she should sit with me
JK:She is my Sister too
Me:Guys don't fight I checked the seats we can sit together
Me:Yes really
V:Yay I can finally sit with my babe
JK:Yay I can't finally sit with my"Sister"
Me:I can't wait to sit with both of you too
I smiled as I said that sentence
We got to class and we sat down we have to wait for 5 hours to go home...........
After that 5 hours or studying and lessons school is finally over
Me:Bye guys where will we meet later?
RM:Just go to our dorm we will be taking a private car 
Me:Oh alright
The rest:Byee see you later
I waved bye to all of them as I walked home

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