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Molly and Austin were sitting in the doctors office waiting to find out whether they are having a boy or a girl. Austin said "The last four months have gone really quick."
"I know the next five months will go quick, this little one arrives. Although I am scared."
"Why are you scared, you will be amazing."
Just then they were called into another room. Molly lay on the bed, while Austin sat next to her. The nurse said "Would you like to know if it's a boy or a girl?"
Austin said "Its up to you Molly."

An hour later they were arriving at Austins moms house. They sat in the car for a couple of minutes, Austin said "Thank you for making me so happy Molly and when baby arrives we will be a family."
"Will your mom be happy?"
"Of course it will be her first grandchild."
"Come on let's go and tell her."

They went into the house and Austin called his mom, she was in the kitchen, they joined her. She said "Hey what are you guys doing here, I thought you had a doctors appointment."
"We did it was earlier, we have come straight here to tell you what they said."
"Well what did they say."
"Mom, in five months time you will have a baby grandson. It's a boy."

All she could do was hug Molly and said "Congratulations at least now you can start getting things ready."
Austin and Molly stayed for a while but then went home.

At home Molly got changed into more comfortable clothes. Austin said "Does this mean we can now decorate the bedroom to make a nursery."
"Of course it does but you will be doing the painting this time."
"Molly I can't wait to get started, it will be so cool to have our own little family just me you and our baby."
"You want to go shopping don't you?"
"Yes but I want to do it with you, so how about we do some on line."
"Okay, one thing though, can we not tell the boys yet till you have finished the decorating."
"Babe of course, it will be so hard not telling them though."
"It will be because you have to go into the studio next week to do some more recording."
"I know but I will not tell them, but you know what Nate is like."

They had something to eat and then got the laptop out to start shopping for the baby. Austin was like a kid in a toy shop, he wanted to get everything he saw. He said "If we order the big items today, things like cot and pushchair then the other things we can get as the weeks go on."
Molly just smiled and nodded because she knew if she said no he would be in a mood.

Two weeks later Molly, now 20 weeks was on her own in the apartment when she received a text from a number she didn't know. The text said did she know Austin was cheating on her with a woman who works at the recording studio. It really had Molly worried, she knew some people like to cause trouble for others but this did bother her because she was pregnant with his child and didn't know what to do, she trusted Austin, so does she confront him about it or just ignore it. So she did the one thing she could she went and asked his mom. She showed her the text and immediately Mrs Corini said "That number is from a girl who has a major thing for Austin, come on let's go to the studio and see him. "

So off they went. When they got to the studio Molly and Mrs Corini walked in, Molly saw Austin looking very cosy with some girl, so she went in said "Well the text message was right. Thanks Austin, thanks for ruining my life. By the time you get home I will be gone and I am not telling you where I am going."
With that Molly walked out, hailed the first cab she could and went home.

Mrs Corini said "Austin what are you doing?"
"Mom I was just talking to her she works here, ask any of the others."
"Don't bring them into it Austin Anthony Corini. Molly received a text earlier saying you were cheating on her, I told her you weren't, well I was wrong."
"But mom I haven't cheated on Molly, I wouldn't do that she is my wife and having my baby. I love her mom"

Meanwhile Molly was in a cab crying her eyes out because she couldn't believe Austin would do that to her. She arrived at the apartment, paid the cab driver and went inside. She put all the locks on the door so if Austin tried to get in he couldn't. She just went and lay on the bed and cried. She loved Austin so much how could he do that to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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