Kill The Lights [boyxboy]

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                I ran like the devil was after me, trying to reach the house up the street. I didn’t look over my shoulder, and instead relied on the sound of feet slapping the pavement that I could hear. He was close, but I still had a fairly decent lead on him.

                The house came into view and forced myself to run faster. If I could just make it inside, I could lock the door and catch my breath.

                But the sound of feet on the pavement was growing steadily closer. Heart slamming and throat burning, I pushed myself to move even faster.

                I quickly scanned for cars before dashing across the street and into the driveway. I was almost at the house! Just a little bit farth-


                I let out a yell as I was tackled onto the grass. We rolled a little and then a weight fixed itself securely on my stomach.

                “Caught you,” Shane said, grinning and trying to catch his breath.

                “Barely,” I said, wheezing and trying to push him off of my stomach. “Get off me fatass!”

                He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. I brushed the grass off of my clothes.

                “Even if you had beaten me, what would you have done if the door was locked? You don’t have a key to my house,” he pointed out.

                I smirked at him. “Are you sure about that?”

                “Yes, because you left it at the house two weeks ago and I never gave it back,” he said.

                I frowned. “Oh yea. Can I have that back?”

                “Maybe,” he said, turning and starting up the driveway.

                I followed after him. He pushed the front door open and I pouted. If I had just been a little faster, I could’ve locked Shane out of his house.

                “What was the screaming?” Shane’s mom, Carol, asked as we went into the kitchen.

                “Jace was trying to lock me out of the house. I tackled him to the ground before he got the chance,” Shane said.

                Carol rolled her eyes. “Alright then. Dinner will be ready in a little.”

                “Okay,” Shane said and pulled me out of the kitchen and into his bedroom.

                I dropped onto his bed and folded my hands behind my head. He grabbed sodas off of his dresser and tossed one to me.

                “We need to stop at the store after dinner if you’re staying the night. We’ll get some chips and drinks,” Shane said, dropping into his chair and opening his soda.

                I shrugged. “Sounds good to me, man.”

                “I’m feeling night swimming tonight,” Shane said. “It’s supposed to be a hot night, so we might as well cool down in the pool with some drinks.”

                “That sounds fantastic,” I said, sipping my soda.

                Shane reached over and turned his speakers on, blasting Panic! At The Disco. He and I mumbled along the lyrics, nodding our heads in time with the beat.

Kill The Lights [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now