"It's crazy, isn't it? I mean, in less than two months, we're going to have another screaming baby in the house. Kristen probably won't like it at first-"

"I know she won't like it." Rapunzel smiled, cutting him off.

"But everything will work out. Kristen will adjust to having a little brother or sister. Hopefully I'll find another job and maybe Anna could stay at home with the kids. I mean, she loves working at the shelter, but I know she would rather be home with the kids, watching them grow." Kristoff finished as he watched the kids laugh and smile on their playground.

Rapunzel gave a soft smile, glad that he knew everything would work out. It always does. They were silent as they watched their children enjoy themselves. "So, what about you? Anything new since your trip?" Kristoff asked, trying to make small talk.

"Umm, well," Rapunzel mumbled as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair. She wasn't exactly sure how to answer that. Eugene and her hadn't talked about when they were going to tell everyone.  "Do you promise not to tell?" Rapunzel quickly replied.


"Do you promise not to tell?" She repeated.

"Umm, yeah. Yeah, I promise." Kristoff answered, nodding his head. Rapunzel let out a sigh and closed her eyes. She knew she could trust him, but she just didn't know how to tell him.

"Last week, we took Zach to the hospital," she slowly spoke, her green eyes still shut. "And well, we found out that he's got, that he's got," Rapunzel stuttered as she wiped her tears that began to trail from her eyes. "we found out that he's color blind." She finished.

Wow. That was a hard pill to swallow. How are you supposed to answer that? Rapunzel silently cried on the deck as Kristoff thought about what to do. Was he supposed to tell her it would be okay?

She left a gentle arm wrap around her shoulders and bring her close. She opened her eyes and looked up. "We'll always be here for you guys." He answered. She let out a gentle smile. This hug just made everything feel better. It was nice to know that someone would always be there for her family.

"Thank you." She softly replied.

The phone began to ring just as Eugene fell asleep on the couch. Really? Two phone calls in one day? That was a shocker. He rolled off the couch and walked towards the phone. "Hello?" He groggily answered.

"Hey, is Rap there?" Elsa quickly asked.

"She left for a bit, why?" He fired back as he rubbed the sleep from his brown eyes. Man, being a parent really is tiring.

"Oh. Well, I just needed to talk to her. Call me when she gets home." Elsa commanded from the other line. Elsa had been thinking about this over and over again since Rapunzel and Eugene's trip to New York.

"Why can't you talk to me?" He questioned, as he ran his hands through his messed up hair. He let out a yawn, thinking about how comfortable that couch was. If he could just lay back down, maybe he could fall back asleep.

"Because this is a woman thing." She replied, crossing her arms across her chest. Eugene couldn't know about this stuff. He was all manly without any feelings and full of testosterone. There's no way he could relate to her right now.

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