"Hey for someone who just beat some jerk up, I look pretty good" he replies and looks at the tower which they were quite close to. "I know someone who thinks I do" he adds while smirking.

   "Sure, whatever makes you happy" they laugh at him. They both land on the tower, looking at the couple and John's boyfriend. He kissed him on the forehead.

    "You look horrible" Daniel says, looking at John, who was frowning at him. Jacques laughed while behind him.

   "I told you" they say, looking at their twin. Then, they look at Daniel, "He thought he looked hot" they add, while laughing.

   "I told you" he smugly says, while rubbing his arm where a bruise was placed. Auryn noticed this little movement and spoke up.

   "Do you need something for healing?" she asks, pointing at the dark marks on his skin. He looks down at her and at his arm.

   "Nah, it's fine" he says and sits down beside Daniel. Jacques rolls their eyes but slumps down beside John. 

   They sat there, for a while, on the top of the rower. Just resting from the hell of a day they had. 

   Daniel, Daxton and John sat there, in between the most amazing people they've ever known, their sibling and the love of their life.  Though they were very different people, they all felt happy because of the same situation.

   Auryn sat there, happy that she had Dax in her life, the only love of her life left, and some new friends. She wasn't quite used to it, but she was happy. 

   Jacques sat there, though one would think he felt alone, he was the opposite. He's finally felt like he was home, with the people who accepted him for who he was, and that's all that he needed.

  They rested there for a while. John and Daniel, drifted off to sleep, extremely tired. Daxton eventually slept as well. But the peace was broken when a Rogue Cloud Runner flew up, and looked at the people at the tower. His body, looking prepared to attack.  

   Jacques turned their head to see him and flew up immediately.  Auryn was worried, she knew that the patches wore off. She saw them, she didn't know how to help, but she knew with all her heart that he could do it.  

  The Rogue took a hard, strong swing to their face, but they were still up. They were dizzy, almost loosing their balance, and Auryn was panicking. She didn't seem able to move, she stood there, not knowing what to do. All she could do was shout.

   "Jacques!!!!" she shouted. The shout woke up John and he saw them, fighting another Rogue. Daniel and Daxton also woke up to the loud mention of their name.

   The Rogue punched him yet again, straight on their stomach. The amount of force pushed them to fall on the pathway that was there.  

   John immediately stood up and flew to the Rogue who he proceeded to beat up. He was mad, that he wasn't there to save them but he kept repeating in his head that they were going to be okay. He beat the Rogue, leaving him unconscious on top of a tree. 

   Auryn ran down to Jacques, panicked. Daxton looked at her, worried, then he looked at Daniel who was still healing. Daniel had a soft look in his eyes.

   "It's fine, go follow her, I'll be okay" he said and Daxton did as he was told.  He ran after her, his mind flickering back to the dream. He needed to save her. She needed to be okay. 

   She kneeled down in front of him, quickly digging through her bag, looking for the healing patches. When she found one, she immediately pulled it out and placed it on them. She slowly realized that she only had one healing patch left, and that was her only patch left.

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