Love vs. Lust

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When in a relationship you never know what will happen. Sometimes we think that lust is the meaning of a relationship and that it will define everything. Love focuses on meeting the genuine needs of others even at the cost of self-sacrifice. Love is making a choice every single day. To either love or not love. Sometimes it's easy to find love. Sometimes it's extremely difficult. But at the end of the day, it's always a choice. Love deeply desires the soul and gladly receives whatever body accompanies it.

"Because love is related to thoughts in the distant future and lust triggers thoughts related to the present, based on construal level theory, we propose a link between lust and a local processing style. These processing styles should further expand to partnership evaluations, partially explaining halo phenomena. In Study 1, college students and senior participants were primed by either imaging a walk with a person they were in love with or a one-night stand. In study 2, love and lust were primed subliminally. In all studies, love priming enhanced local, detail-oriented processing and reduced halos. Moreover, in study 1, temporal distance mediated the effects. Implications for research of moods on processing styles, partner perception, and the distinction between love and lust are discussed."

          - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

This Lust manipulates others for the purpose of meeting one's own needs even at the sacrifice of others. Lust would take the body and discard the soul.

True love is always open and honest, even when upset. Lust plays games, hides their feelings and tries to manipulate the emotions of others to gain the upper hand.

True love is self-sacrificing. Always put the needs of loved ones before your own. Lust only wants what it wants. Lust is being selfish and greedy.

True love gives from the heart. Putting the needs of someone else before your own and always going out your way to love others. Lust gives because it wants something in return. For example, most guys would only do for their women if they want sex in return or a woman would only do for their man if they want all the finer things in life.

True love forgives. Love always outweighs any issue and give time to forgive and forget the issues at hand. Lust seeks vengeance. Lust always finds a reason to get back at love ones and end relationships. Lust is the work of the devil.

True love appreciates you for who you are. No matter the flaws a real love wouldn't change a thing. Lust tries to change you into their perfect ideal. For example, if a guy doesn't like something about you, they would try to change it and make it to their perfection.

True love is romantic intimacy and lovemaking. For example, true love is having a romantic candlelit dinner. Lust is just sex. Lust is a relationship based solely on sex only and no love is involved.

True love tries to resolve a conflict. True love is where you can argue and fight but if your love is stronger and deeper than it will make any issue pointless. Lust tries to prove it is right. Lust tries to always make sure one person is always wrong in any given situation.

True love lets go of the hurt. It always finds a way to forgive and let go of any issue and know that love is stronger. Lust harbors resentment. Lust hold grudges and act as a petty part of life.

True love gives you freedom. Love gives you the space you need to deal the certain situations and lets you step back from anything harboring over you. Lust is controlling and keeps holding you in a situation that is toxic and unsafe.

True love listens and respects the company of each other. Lust only talks and tries to overpower the other.

Some characteristics of love are giving, waits, respects, forgives, unselfish, generous, protects, faithful and upholds. Characteristics of lust are take away, impatient, violates, condemns, self-centered, greedy, endangers, disloyal and abandons. Love is the power to overcome anything and lust is what holds you back from what you are really after.

They say love is blind. I disagree. Lust is blind, love is all-seeing and accepting.

Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them. Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms, and working around them. Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities, and knowing your role is to comfort. Love is working through all the challenges and painful times. Lust is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect.

Love is strong and it strengthens because it is real.

"Some people are good at being in love. Some people are good at love. Two very different things, I think. Being in love is the romantic part- sex all the time, midday naps in the sheets, the jokes, the laughs, the fun, long conversations with no pauses, overwhelming separation anxiety... Just the best sides of both people, you know? But love begins when the experiment of being in love starts to fade: the stress of life sets in, the butterflies disappear, the sex becomes a chore, the tears, the sadness, the arguments, the cattiness, and pettiness... The worst parts of both people. But if you still want that person by your side through all of those things... that's when you know you're good at love.

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