"No, not really, the only thing I knew about it was that Voldy was very, very mad that it got destroyed."

"Okay, well I'm going to tell you what happened. This may take a while, are you okay with that?"

Draco nodded, excited to learn something new about the chosen one, something he didn't know about the brunet with emerald green eyes. 

"Okay, so I had a vision that my god father was in trouble, so after 'calling' his place, and him not being there I went to the ministry to save him from Voldemort. 

"When we (the DA) got there, we had an abundance of doors that we had to go through which I knew how to get through because of some dreams I had. 

"When we got there and Sirius wasn't there, some death eaters came and tried to get the prophecy that I had picked up. They needed me to get it because only the person it's about can pick it up, and Voldemort couldn't just show up at the Ministry. With me so far?" 

Draco nodded.

"Okay, so after some snazzy dulling, and Bellatrix hit Sirius into the void, Voldy did come. So did Dumbledore. The two of them dulled, Dumbledore won obviously, and he took me back to Hogwarts. 

"While we were there, I smashed his office -which  he was okay with, don't give me that look- and he told me that he still had a copy of the prophecy."

"But how, It was destroyed." Draco said. 

"True, but Trelawney was the one who said the Prophecy, so Dumbledore had a copy of it. 

"The Prophecy said of baby boy born at the end of July who had the power to defeat Voldemort, and how neither can live while the other survives, and that one must kill the other. (Im not checking the book bare with me lol). 

"It also said how Voldy would mark 'him' as equal, which is what my scar is. But Voldy took it as me  the one the prophecy was about, but it could also be about Neville as he too was born at the end of the 7th month."

Draco was shook. "But wait, how come you lived while he died if neither can live while the other survives?" 

"Draco, you know what Horcruxes are right?" 

Draco nodded his head, "Vaguely." 

"Right, okay, well here are the specifics: It's a part of one's should put into an object, it involves splitting your soul -which is why Snape had to kill Dumbledore, but that's for another day- by murder and such. Voldemort made Horcruxes. His snake, his diary, the Hufflepuff cup, the Ravenclaw diadem, The ring, the locket, and me." (think I'm missing one, oh well lol) 

"wait you're a horcrux?" 

"I was. When Voldemort killed me in the forest for a few moments, he killed the part of his soul inside of me. Fun fact, ever since then I haven't been able to speak parseltongue since then."

"That still doesn't quite explain what I asked."

"I only survived because Voldemort had to kill the piece of his soul inside me, however he didn't know it was inside me. He created it when he tried to kill me, but my mum's love kept me alive."

Draco and Harry just sat in silence after that. Neither of them realizing that there was a young boy sitting outside their compartment, hands covering his mouth in shock. 

~ ~ ~ 

When the Hogwarts express got to London the two old men said there farewells, but agreed owl each other all the time (as if they were 15 and her over heels in love lol). 

Albus was waiting where Harry asked him to be. 

"So how was your train ride?" Harry asked his son.

"Good, how was yours?" 

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