Where Sky and Earth Meet

Start from the beginning

"You began to tell me a story. You were a young girl, the daughter of a priest and his wife. You were a devoted member of this Anglican church. You had a little sister too- one who you treasured. You loved your family very much. Your father, a man who said 'he would tear up by reading the papers every morning' or something, because he hated all the suffering in the world, began to question the teachings of the church. He began to tell his followers about this, and they thought he was crazy."

Kyoko began to tear up, yet she continued to munch on popcorn loudly. She licked her buttery lips. "Dad..."

"No one showed up to the church anymore. Your father was excommunicated, and you and your entire family was thrown into poverty. You were starving all the time... and one day, the Incubator approached you." Kyoko immediately remembered: this 'Kyubey' guy and the 'Incubator' were the same. Sayaka took a pause.

"Yeah, go on..."

"You wished that anyone would listen to what your father had to say. The next day, all the laity had returned. They listened to everything your father said, and refused to question it. You fought against many witches, and you sure did a hell of a good job too." Kyoko laughed. "You were a pretty good ass-kicking magic super babe. When you fought against your first witch, it was at this time you met Mami. She became your senpai, and soon enough, your best friend. You even invited her over to your house."

Kyoko's face went red, and Sayaka laughed, and then her tone went from happy to dreadfully sorry. "One night, your church was attacked by a witch, who had forced several members of the church to burn bibles. You immediately went into action, and saved everyone from the witch. Too bad your dad saw you doing all your magic stuff."

Kyoko grabbed onto the sheets of the bed tightly. "He thought I was a witch, even though I was fighting 'em. He didn't understand that I was a good guy. There's a difference between Puella Magi and witches!"

"Well, yes," Sayaka said, knowing she didn't tell Kyoko of the fact Puella Magi were witches. Puella Magi would become witches; Sayaka decided to save that for later. "He realized you made a wish for everyone to listen to him. He realized his followers weren't coming because they wanted to, they came because they were manipulated to. Your wish gave you several powers, based upon illusion and persuasion.

"Your father experimented with this power, and conducted a false Mass, where he told everyone facts Christians would obviously deny: God is not real, for example. You and him were deeply disturbed when you saw everyone agreed unanimously. He then called you a witch, right in front of everyone. They agreed, and the entire church shamed you from then on. Your father began to drink, way too much. And one day, your father convinced your mother and your little sister to commit suicide with him."

Kyoko grunted, and tears splattered on the bed. "Stop... please."

"If you want to remember, I have to keep going."

"I said stop. I even said please with it."

"You found your family."


"And you laid in the snow, broken. Waiting for death." Sayaka's eyes welled up with tears, and she gritted her teeth.

"Shut up."

"Mami found you, and you realized you lost your enchantment abilities. You had lost a significant power." Kyoko growled. "And you fought her, and left. That was it for her. And you made Mami so lonely without you. And you promised never to use magic for anyone's benefit, ever again. That was why we clashed. And that was why-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Kyoko grabbed Sayaka's shoulders and threw her onto the bed. She was over her body like a lion. Sayaka managed to throw her roommate off of her and Kyoko nearly hit the wall, but she collected herself. Sayaka was horrified to see the silver ring on Kyoko's middle finger glow a deep red, and in under a second, she was in her magical uniform.

The Devil's Feather (Book One in the Clock Tower Duology)Where stories live. Discover now