Chapter 8 - [Catching feelings]

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I could not help but smile from the text. It's nice that he still treats me the same after his confession and me asking him to wait for my reply. I got up from my bed to browse through my closet to find clothes to wear for tomorrow. I don't know, but I feel excited for some reason.

The next day came and I am already ready earlier than usual. I put a little makeup on today, highlighting my eyes and lips. I head to the door after kissing my parents good-bye. I closed my apartment door and find Taehyung already outside. "Good Morning." I gave him a wide smile. I am in such a good mood today. Taehyung yawned, "Why are you so happy in the morning?" I gave him a shrug and happily walk to the elevator, I could see Taehyung's confused look from seeing my happy mood. "You're cooking for me today right?" he asked as we wait for the elevator. I can't believe I forgot about that.

Yes, I haven't been going there recently because his dad is there and Taehyung is not saying anything either. I gave Taehyung an awkward smile, "But your dad is there." I reasoned. "No, he'll be flying back to American this afternoon." I gulped. I can't say I have a dinner date with Jimin. I mean I can, but he does not need to know that. "Well... I can't today." I stammered. I could feel his eyes getting furious. "Why?" he asked. "I got homework to do, yes." I lied. I couldn't think of any better excuses right now. "You could do them after you cook for me, I could even help you." His brows furrowed.

I bit my lower lip. "You have other plans do you?" his tone getting lower. The elevator arrives. "Oh look it's here." I said trying to avoid his question, Taehyung blocks my way before I could even step in. "Answer me Goddammit!" I feel my cheeks burn with anger, I was having such a good mood today, it's not even half a day yet and he already decides to ruin it. "What Taehyung?" my voice came out as a yell and he scoffs, "It's Jimin is it. I'm right aren't I?"

"How can you assume that it's Jimin? Okay fine, it's Jimin, so what?" I admit and anger is already consuming me. I could see Taehyung's jaw clench. "Why? You are jealous because you can't be happy? Now that at least something pleasant has happened to me, you decide to ruin it Taehyung? How can you be so selfish? Just when I thought you are changing back to the old Taehyung, you, yo –."

Taehyung cut off my words with a scoff, his eyes glaring at me, sending shivers all over my body, if eyes would kill, I would already be dead. "Old Taehyung?" he laughs sarcastically. "You must be kidding me y/n. The old Taehyung is long dead! And you could go have fun with Jimin for all I care, I don't actually. I don't fucking care about whatever you do." Tears are already threatening to fall. "Well then stop asking me to cook for you!" I shouted, warm tears already rolling down my cheeks.

I could see people walking by whispering to themselves by seeing the scene. "You don't have to say that. I already fired you in my head long ago anyway! Your food doesn't even taste good. They're like shit." What is he? Five? I can't believe he just said that. I stomp away from him, wiping off my tears, why does he have to be such a jerk every time. I know it's too good to be true. I decide to take the stairs down. Being with him for another minute could drive me to choke him instead.



Shit, shit, shit. I kicked the elevator door making a loud noise, attracting stares and whispers from people passing by. I can't believe I made her cry again. Why do I always have to be such a dick to her? I ruffle my hair. Feeling frustrated with myself. I just couldn't help my anger. The mention of Jimin with her is enough to send me over the edge. I just said sorry to her, I can't say it again. It's mostly her fault anyway. She started yelling at me when I was only asking her. She could just answer me that she'll be with Jimin. I grunted and kicked the elevator door again. Fuck, why does it have to be Jimin out of so many people?

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin