Chapter 2

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It was dead silent and everything was still pitched black but somehow, he knew that the situation around him was intense. He finally gained his hearing sense as he heard the sound of his heart pounding. Then, he started to feel his body drenched in some kind of liquid but he could not open his eyes. All around him, he began to hear screaming sound and clinking of swords. He could slowly smell sweats, dirt, smoke and other odor that he couldn’t figure out. He blinked his eyes a couple of time but he still couldn’t see clearly. Suddenly, he felt a strong nudge at the back of his head. “Ouch!” He exclaimed. He began to see a blurry sight of the ground and it appeared to be green like grass. He stomped his feet on it to be sure that they really are grasses. Then, he heard the voice from a person standing next to him, whom had just nudged his head, “What are you doing, Magina? There is no time for day dreaming!” The voice was husky and harsh, with a certain weird accent to it. Eugene, then, turned around to see who the person was. His sight was still blurry but the vision was getting clearer. He was beginning to see a huge man, with strong casted armory all around his body. His face was protected by a metallic mask of red, black and gold lining. He could see a fearsome face where a set of bright white eyes, a beard and only shades of other features of his face were hidden by the armored mask. He was staring back at Eugene in curiosity, as if waiting for Eugene to answer him. Instead, Eugene was staring at the man’s armory from top to toe. The armory on the man’s body was black and red colored with gold linings on his broad shoulder, on the chest running down to his abdomen which appeared like scales, on some part of his fists and on his legs. He was carrying a huge sword with magnificent carving, that still burnt as if it has just came out of a forged fire, on his right hand and a black carved shield with gold linings on his left hand. He looked like a magical knight from an ancient tale. Eugene was fascinated by his sight. His mind flowed in wondrous thoughts of him dreaming about this moment right now. He could solemnly swear that the man standing next to him was Davion the Dragon Knight from DoTA 2 game that he was playing. He felt a sudden unexpected excitement deep within him. He began to feel like this was the best dream he ever had. Everything was so vivid and making sense, not like any other dreams where the scenes jumped from one to another and the people changed from one person to the other in split seconds. In this dream, nothing changed since the moment he entered, not even when he told himself this was only a dream. Dragon knight still look so confused with his shiny outfit and Eugene still feel excited about his current situation when he flashed a smile towards Davion unintentionally. “Magina?!” Davion shouted to Eugene’s face. Wait a minute. Eugene held his breath. Did Davion just called me Magina? He thought. Then, Eugene began to look at his own body. He stared at his feet where he saw a pair of purple boots. Way up his boot was black colored pants and a shirt made up of fine fabric in washed out purple color which ran down all the way to his knee. A belt was tied up around his waist. His whole body was drenched in sweat with some part burnt as if fire set on it. Then, he raised his hand to have a better view and he could see a set of purple colored gloves made of a certain fabric that he couldn’t make sense of but he could feel them protecting him. He was holding a set of huge shining blades on both of his hand that looked like a boomerang but very beautiful and strong-casted. He was pretty sure the blades were very sharp as well.

Then, he turned to look at Davion who was staring back at him. “I’m sorry. Where were we?” He asked. Davion was half furious to have to answer the question but he said anyway, “I asked you to attack me!” Eugene was surprised by the answer so he said, “Why would I attack you? We’re on the same team, right?”

“Team? What do you mean? Comrade?” Davion asked.

“Urm… Yes. Comrade or something like that.” Eugene answered. He felt a little amused to have to speak conventional English but he played along.

“Where have your mind traveled, young man? We were preparing for the battle to come. Have you forgotten that you requested me of this fight?” Davion explained.

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