Chapter 1

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Wednesday after school was Eugene’s second most favorite time of the week. It was soccer practice and he aced the sport. He rushed toward the locker room to change into his sporting outfit. The outfit was made up of a white-colored knee level short and a green and white stripe jersey with the school logo embroidered on the left hand side of the shirt. As he was about done changing, Adam appeared and said, “Hey Gene! Hurry up! The coach’s waiting.”

“I’m coming!” He said as he hurriedly pushes all his belongings into his locker. He rushed to catch up with Adam and they started to chat about today’s practice and new strategy from their coach. Eugene was planning to make it to the regional this year. As they were walking toward the school field, they passed by a group of cheer leaders. That was where Eugene spotted Colleen, his childhood crush. He then said to Adam, “Hey Adam! You go on first. I have something to do.” Adam eyed Eugene curiously and then he eyed the cheer leaders. He flashed a smile and said, “Good luck!” as he passed the ball to Eugene. Eugene grabbed the ball and bounced it on the track as he walked toward Colleen. He didn’t actually know what came into him today but he really felt like he should talk to her after all of these while. He didn’t usually do this, for the record. He approached the group and called up to her, “Hey Colleen! You have a minute?” Colleen appeared to be surprised as she turned to look at him. Then, she said, “I’m kinda busy here.” So she continued chatting with her friend and ignored Eugene’s presence. Eugene took a second to wonder. So, ignoring me, eh? Hmm…

Then, he placed the ball on the track, took two steps backward and kicked the ball aiming directly at Colleen. The ball flew and hit Colleen straight on her head. Bull’s eye! He thought. But Colleen wasn’t pleased. Her face turned solid red as he eyed Eugene, who was only smiling back at her. She picked the ball up, stomped her feet as she walked toward Eugene and throw the ball harshly at him as she reached near him. “What the hell was that?!” She yelled. “I just want to talk to you.” He said. She looked at him, pissed, and couldn’t believe his nerve. Then, she said, “Then, talk!”

“How’s your head, anyway?” He asked. Colleen was not happy with the question so she said, “Let’s skip that part and just get to what you meant to say actually.” Eugene nodded and said, “Okay. Well, I wonder if you’d like to have dinner with me tonight?”

Colleen flashed a confused look on her face. Then, she led out a small laugh, unable to believe what Eugene was asking. “You hit me with a ball on my head, then, you ask me out?” She asked. Eugene apathetically replied, “Yeah!”

“You’re crazy. Do you know that?” Colleen said. Eugene nodded and said, “Maybe. So, yes or no?”

Colleen stared at him for a little while then said, “Where and what time?” Eugene smiled, smelling victory.


Soccer practice had finished for the day and Eugene went home, looking forward to the date he had with Colleen that night. As soon as he arrived home, he went straight into his room. Well, that was his most favorite time of the day. Alone in his room, in front of the computer screen, logged into his game. He eyed the clock on the wall before he started the game and figured, two hours on the game, one hour to get ready and go out, should be there for the date on time. He smiled over the thoughts in his head. So, wearing a grin on his face, he started with the game, Defense of The Ancient, in short, DoTA. He chose his hero and quickly planned the tactics in his head. All his thoughts went focus into the game instantly.


Four hours later, Eugene was still in front of his computer screen, with a frown on his face. He lost the third game in a row tonight and he was frustrated as hell. Suddenly, his mother plunged the door open and said, in a cheerful tone, “Eugene, time for dinner!”

“What the hell, mom?! Can’t you knock?” He yelled at his mother. The expression on his mother’s face changed on the spot. Eugene was quick to notice and quickly said, lowering the tone of his voice, “You guys go on ahead and have dinner. I’ll come down later.”

Then, he turned back around to face his computer screen and pretended like his mother wasn’t there. His mother closed the door slowly and walked away disappointedly. He was about to start his fourth game when he glanced at the clock hanging on his bedroom wall. Shit! He was already one hour late to his date with Colleen. He jumped from his chair over the shock he felt. He quickly grabbed whatever he can wear and stormed out of his room and out of the house. As he was about to exit the door, he heard his mother called up to him, “Eugene? Where are you going?” But he ignored her, started his motor bike and rushed to where he was supposed to meet Colleen. He arrived at the place fifteen minutes later. He stormed into the diner and searched all over but he couldn’t find Colleen. He reached into his pocket and took out his cell phone. He dialed Colleen’s number and waited but there was no answer. He tried the second time and still, there was no answer. He sighed. Then, he scanned the whole diner one more time but there was no sign of her. He walked out of the diner in disappointment. He sighed again before he got back onto his bike and rode home. When he arrived, his family had just finished having dinner. He entered the house and went straight to his room without looking at his family members who were looking at him, puzzled. He sat on his bed and thought, this is just not my day. He felt like just laying on his bed and think of what could’ve been but he changed his mind. He walked to his computer and sat on his comfortable ergonomic chair. Once again, he logged himself into the game, in hope he could forget about everything that could’ve been. He scrolled through the heroes several time thinking which one was the best for him. He stopped at Life Stealer, wondered for a few seconds then move on to Phantom Assassin. Then, he shook his head disagreeing with his own thoughts and scrolled the heroes again. Finally, with his eyes closed and his mind praying for the best, he clicked ‘Random Pick’. When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw the program had chosen Anti-Mage. “Wow!” He exhaled excitedly as he was used to play the game using the hero. He was pretty sure he could win. Three minutes into the game, he was feeling dizzy. What the hell? Two creeps in three minutes? Seriously? He started to feel uneasy so he pressed his fingers on his forehead. He began to feel frustrated. He should have killed more creeps to be a strong competitor in the game. He was not satisfied with his performance this time. Suddenly, his sight began to blur. He panicked. He tried to reach for his key board and anything around him that he could grab. He had no idea of what was happening to him. Soon after, it was only darkness and pitched black sight. He felt himself collapsed to the floor but his mind drifted away to somewhere foreign. He could almost swear he was floating as he still tried to gain his senses. Then, it was dead silent.

I Am No Hero (DoTA Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ