○♡¦Game¦ Chiaki Nanami

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Today, you and Chiaki are playing games at the usual place, the bench near the fountain. Hajime said he can't hang out with you both today. But, that wasn't a real reason. He was helping you.

Hajime knew that you liked Chiaki. It's a good thing that him and her are your best friends, making it easier. He came up with a good plan. You always asked if it's gonna work perfectly. Hajime said not to worry. Aw, it's like brothers relationship.


"Oooii...(Name)-kun!" Chiaki calls.


"What's wrong with you? You suddenly stopped playing the game."

"I..uh..Sorry. I was thinking about things."

"Ah, I see. Let's continue to play Gala Omega. This time, we will do a co-op!" Chiaki says, happily.

"Yes ma'am!"


Hours passed by.

"I'm gonna rest a while. My eyes hurt." You says, putting the Nantendo Gameboy advance on the bench.

"Okay." Chiaki continues to play the game. You open your phone and see a text from Hajime.

Bro Hajimeme


< So how did it go, (Name)?

I haven't say it to her yet. >

< C'mon! Just say it to her! What are you waiting for?

I...I'm nervous. >

< Why are you nervous?

I dunno. I keep thinking about it and my brave points are > decreasing.

< Damn it (Name)!

Whoa! Chill, bro! >

< "Whoa!" is my quote you idiot! Forget about that, are you a man or not?!

I- >

< If you are a man, then be brave! Believe in yourself bro! Prepare your mental for her answer! Don't forget about the game we talked about!

O-ok. Thanks bro. >

< Good luck then.

Yep, Hajime was like your brother all along. Just like what he said, if you are a man, be brave and believe in yourself. You keep writing the word "man" on your hand.

Alright, let's do this!

"Ne, Chiaki-chan."

"Hm? What is it (Name)-kun?"

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