“I’m fine, I don’t remember much of that night. Except a dream I had.”

They nodded, looking both worried and slightly happy that I don’t remember much.

“We were so worried Vi, I couldn’t believe something like this happened to you… in our town. There’s never any robberies like that, that would happen here. First Jason dying on that field and now you being attacked. What’s happing to our quiet town?” Vicky sighed.

No-one replied to Vicky’s question. I didn’t even know what to say to make them feel better. I could see this was upsetting them, that so many bad things were happening in this town, but I really didn’t know what to say.

“So what did I miss?” I asked trying to change the subject.

Vicky and Van knew me so well already that they picked up that I was trying to change the subject and they both gave me grateful smiles as Vicky said,

“Well Kim is dating Danton now, and that means she’s automatically bumped up to the popular table. Sadie is pregnant, we taking bets who the father is, I said its James Weston,but Van here thinks it’s Preston Miles because they hooked up at Mel’s party and the numbers add up, but James is always with her and he was also with her at Mel’s party. And what else… Oh Mrs. Mornington gave birth, there is a hot sub teacher in her place and let me tell you-”

“Wait, wait a sec wasn’t Mrs. Mornington seven months pregnant, was the baby premature or something and how do you know Sadie's pregnant? Mel’s party was yesterday, I’m sure it takes more than a day to know if that’s happened.” Vicky and Van looked at each other with concerned faces, until Van said,

“Violet… Mel’s party was two months ago. You’ve been in a coma for nearly two months.”


I’ve been in a coma for two months. TWO MONTHS. How badly was I hurt? How can a shot to the stomach put me out for two freaking months? Oh crap, my scholarship. I’m going to lose my scholarship. What am I going to do? I’ll have to take extra projects on, maybe do some sort of internship and definatly extra credit. I’m sure they would understand, I could still catch up, I mean I’m a good student, so I won’t be able to socialize much, not that I was doing any of that-

“Violet, snap out of it.” I felt myself being shaken by the shoulders and my stomach protested in pain. I winced and reached for my wounded abdomen.

“Sorry Violet. Did I hurt you?” Vicky asked sounding a bit worried.

“No shit Sherlock. What were you thinking shacking a gunshot victim, like a pimp trying to shack up cash from his hooker?” Van asked Vicky while she looked me over.

“I’m sorry she was freaking me out and I-“

“Guy’s it’s okay, I’m okay. I was freaking out a little and I needed that. Thanks Vicky.” I smiled reassuringly. Still freaking out that I had been in a coma for two months. That’s two months of my life that I will never get back.

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