eight ≫ restrictions.

Start from the beginning


Friday. A week after not being able to see Luke. Nothing's gotten better.

The gaping hole in my chest weighs me down as I walk down the halls of my school, changing my physical appearance as well as my mental state. Josie's noticed, she's afraid for me. Her exact words to me were,

"Jas, it's a bit scary that Luke has this control over you."

I'm not disagreeing with her. It scares me, even. It's not like he's even left me yet, he's still with me and he still loves me as much as he usually would. It's just the fact that I can't be with him, I can't feel the way he makes me feel anymore. For now, at least.

This feeling was slowly eating me away this week. Michael even noticed, and Ashton knew because of Luke. Luke told both boys, but Michael didn't think it would affect me this bad. I'm not sure anyone expected me to react this way. Not even myself.

I was making my way to my fourth period class, until I was stopped by a pair of large hands grabbing my shoulders, turning me around. I turned to see who it was out of curiosity, and because I was being forced to turn that way. My eyes couldn't process who was in front of me.

"Hey, Jas." Luke smiled.

I crashed my body into his, almost making him fall over. My arms were wrapped tightly around him and my head was pushed against his chest. Tears were leaving my eyes and I had the biggest smile I've had in a week. He wrapped his arms around my back, squeezing ever so slightly. He kissed my head and chuckled.

"I didn't know you'd miss me this much, babe. The boys told me how much you were hurting. Calum got the guys at the hospital to let me have time out. I have half an hour. I know you only have about two minutes, but I just wanted to see you." He whispered into my ear.

I pulled away from him and looked up in confusion. I haven't met Calum yet.

"Where is he? I haven't met him yet." I asked.

Luke looked around, and it gave me a chance to notice that people were staring at us. How weird.

"Ahh! Calum's right.. over there. Talking to his girlfriend."

I looked to where Luke was pointing and found Calum and his girlfriend flirting two rooms over from us. He was tall, not as tall as Luke, but tall. His hair was somehow messy but collected at the same time, with brunette curls here and there. His cheeks were chubby and childlike, but his jawbone was sharp and masculine. He looked like a humorous person, because of how he was making his girlfriend laugh every two seconds. They're cute.

I looked away from them, because I only had about a minute left with Luke before I had to go back into class. I went back to hugging Luke and the anxiousness from being in public faded away. It felt like we were the only two people here, and it felt amazing. We weren't really talking, it was pretty loud in the halls. He was just hugging me, and I was hugging him back. Tight.

And then the bell rang.

I looked around and everyone was already in class, we were literally the only people in the room now. Well, and Calum.

"No.." I whispered into Luke's chest.

Luke rubbed my back and stepped away from me.

"Do good in class, yeah?"

I nodded while smiling and he smiled back. I was on such a high, I didn't even know what was going through my mind. A part of me shoved myself towards Luke, and I tilted my head up towards him and waited. He laughed and craned his neck down, allowing our lips to lock for just a mere second. It was all I needed.

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