Tags be tagging me

90 7 6

1. Todd/Tord
2. My eye colour is a boring brown, it sometimes looks like a light brown buts it's more of a dark colour
3. Again brown, but it's light at the tips somehow
4. There's more to me then the eye can see
5. Black. Second favourite colour is red
6. There's this one place in the woods in Alberta that I like to go to whenever I get the chance, does that count?
7. I don't really like anyone,,,, but I'd say it might have to be?
Calvin Harris, I went to his concert and it was pretty cool plus he's super nice
8. Cat
9. Animal, Chase Holfelder
10. The Harry Potter books,
So magical and enchanting

Alright, I'm going to tag some peeps, and stuff,,,,

Only doing ten, also it was indeed required

My trashy drawingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora