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My head hurt like hell when I tried to open my eyes.

Slowly opening them, my sight was still a little off. And that wasn't the only thing.

Where am I ?

Shaking my head, tryna make sense of all this. That's when I heard someone singing along to a song, they actually had a nice voice.

             luvneverminuteSJE I had to 😉 *

So I looked to my right, saw the outline of guy totally entranced in the song.

But what was really strange is that I was looking up at him.

My heart dropped, I immediately tried to move but I couldn't. Then I looked down and noticed a blanket covering me.

So I tried to move again making the blanket slip down slightly. And what I saw was rope, lots of it.

First thing I did was panic. I mean who wouldn't in a situation like this.

So I turned my head to the left, seeing a car door window with landscape passing by.

I'm in a car but how in the fuck this happen ?

So many questions ran through my mind. I felt sweat running out of my pores, I thought I was gonna be sick.

So I tried the ropes again but they just weren't budging. Oh how I wish I could wipe my forehead cause the sweat was running down my face and in my eyes.

" Oh so you're finally awake, I see " my captor said creeping me out.

Turning my head cause I wanted see this bastard's face. I've seen him before.

Then it came rushing back to me, the break up with my boyfriend. I went to the club with my friend to get my mind off of it. And the guy that made me feel better by talking and listening to me.

" You're that ... What the fuck did you do to me ! "

But there was only silence in the air besides my rapid heartbeat.

So I took that moment to scream my head off for help. And wiggle around enough, hoped maybe just maybe I would get myself free.

" Would you shut the fuck up !!! It's useless ! "

So I repeatedly did so which only made him more annoyed.

Then I felt the sudden pain of him punching me. He knocked me unconscious.

I took forever doing this , writing and rewriting. Sorry everyone 😐

Thanks for reading 💕

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