Chapter 37

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Soren Rivers

I had been so annoyed and ticked off when I saw Jay leave to where Tarot was waiting but that had all fallen away when I ran into the room in time to see Jay fall to the floor with a knife in her chest. Curse was at her side a moment later while Scourge was limping over and dropping his wounded form next to his trainer. Hati and Sköll were engaging in battle with Tarot's venusaur, which wasn't the best matchup for them.

"Drago, go help." I ordered before running to Jay's side with Hoodini and Foxy standing guard, ready to enter the fighting as well if needed. I knelt down at her side and felt sick as I saw the blood covering her face and chest. "Jay... s-say something... please."

She glanced over at me, before shifting in an attempt to sit up. "I'm f-fine... well, I will be... I-it isn't t-that deep."

I yanked her hand away as she tried pulling out the knife, trying not to hurt her more as I panicked. "Don't do that! You'll bleed out faster. Jay, stay here, I'll kill him and get you to the nearest hospital okay?"

"I can still fight... we're going to finish this together." Jay leaned against me, her eyes half closing as she gathered her strength. I could feel her body trembling against me while the blood smeared onto my blue jacket and black shirt- not that I cared. "I-I'm s-sorry... I should've waited."

"Yes, you should've." I forced her hand away from the knife hilt again as I spoke, fighting between my rage and the fear that I was going to lose her. "I'll keep you safe though. You won't die, Jay, not here... J-Jay, promise me you won't die."

She smirked. "Soren... I'm not going to just die and let you become champion. We still have to have a battle so I can beat you and become the champion myself."

"I see." I was about to say something else to her but Hoodini's cry of pain forced me to focus back on Tarot and the battle. "Hoodini, pluck! Foxy, use force palm!"

I glanced back, feeling Jay slowly getting up and pulling out a pokéball. "K-Kirlia... come out here."

The psychic pokémon appeared and looked around in alarm, fear in his eyes. "Kir!"

"It'll be fine..." I hesitantly allowed Jay to continue moving as she dug for something in her bag, eventually pulling out a dawn stone. "This will make you stronger."

"Kirlia?" He moved closer, still nervous, before raising an arm and touching the evolution stone.

The light faded quickly, leaving a gallade standing over us in a stance that said it was ready to fight. I doubted its ability to actually win though. Gallade was one of Jay's weakest pokémon... if the others couldn't do much damage he wouldn't do anything. We had to try though... try to hold Tarot's attention long enough to finish him off. That stupid latios... it had led us to our deaths.

"Jay... are you sure you can join the battle?" I asked, not wanting of offend her but not wanting her to die from overexerting herself.

"Of course I can." She got to her knees, pausing once more to rest, before trembling as she got to her feet. "S-see... I-I'll be fine... it isn't that deep, I won't die as long as I don't push it in deeper."

I stood up and watched her for a moment before looking away; I couldn't bear to see her in pain but I couldn't force her to sit out either. "...Okay..."

Jay leaned back against the wall and unsteadily pulled out her scratched up pokédex to check Gallade's stats out before sliding it away. "Gallade, use slash at the venusaur!"

"Blaze, Heracross, Volt, come out and destroy these pests!" Tarot called out several more of his pokémon.

I recognized his charizard, Blaze, almost immediately and wondered if she liked serving a trainer as cruel as Tarot. I couldn't wonder that long though because she unleashed a flamethrower right at Foxy, barely missing as my lucario dodged.

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