Chapter 22

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Soren Rivers

I had defeated all the trainers in the gym and now all I had to do was defeat Oris in battle. I was slightly annoyed that Jay had already beaten me to the punch by sneaking out early this morning on her own to challenge him before rubbing the badge in my face first thing in the morning- literally, she woke me up and showed it to me before I was even awake enough to clearly make it out. But everything was working out for me so far and then I could go back and show my badge to her. I had already taken out all his other pokémon, even his Aerodactyl and Steelix that could've mega evolved but hadn't, and now Oris was down to his last pokémon. I wasn't sure if I should be nervous or not to see what it was.

"Alright, ready to see if you can defeat me once and for all?" He grinned and held up his pokéball.

I returned Finn, giving him a break after the long chain of fights he'd been in before taking out my next best pokémon I had been saving just for this moment. "Yeah, Hoodini, let's finish this!"

Hoodini burst from the ball and turned his head back to look for me a second before facing the aggron Oris released onto the battlefield. A steel and ground type, and judging by the looks of the collar it wore Oris could mega evolve it... I should've tried toughing it out with Finn.

"Row!" Hoodini fluttered his wings, seeming unintimidated by the stronger pokémon, before glowing as he began to evolve.

I watched in amazement as my pokémon evolved; the light fading to reveal a dartrix in Hoodini's place. "Nice. Alright then, you ready to fight Hoodini?"

"Dar!" He spread his wings and glared towards the aggron.

"Great, then start this off with razor leaf!"

"Take down!" Oris commanded.

Aggron took the razor leaf like it was nothing before ramming into Hoodini and making him skid across the rocky ground. I knew aggron in general had good defense and judging by how it took the recoil right after razor leaf without slowing down... I knew this was going to be a long fight. Oris didn't seem concerned either at the moment, not even bothering to mega evolve yet.

"Hoodini, get up and use another razor leaf!" I couldn't use his other attacks, they weren't as effective and if razor leaf wasn't a problem for Aggron then I wasn't going to use them on him.

"Take down." Oris didn't seem concerned his pokémon was taking damage at all.

It didn't matter, he wasn't going to hit me the same way twice. "Dodge it and use razor leaf from above!"

Hoodini flew up and over Aggron's head but Oris wasn't about to get hit with another attack either it seemed. "Iron tail!"

Hoodini didn't dodge the new attack in time as Aggron's tail glowed and it swung its tail towards him. I winced as my pokémon crashed into a boulder lining the walls before falling limply to the ground: unconscious. I returned Hoodini and sighed, Finn was injured but he was my next best bet. "Alright Finn, use mud shot!"

Finn hit Aggron in the face before the other pokémon could move but the surprise attack didn't last long and it gave a roar of challenge as it awaited a command. Oris gave a nod to his pokémon before mega evolving it. "Alright, Aggron, time to use your power to its full potential, use take down and follow up with iron tail!"

"Mud shot again!" I ordered.

Aggron was slower now but with the new armor its defense would be boosted, not that it mattered. Finn could win this, he had the advantage with typing now. The two pokémon went at each other again, the mud shot blinding the mega aggron and giving Finn the advantage of sight and speed. He couldn't dodge everything though and I froze momentarily as a take down rammed Finn into the wall, cracking it. Mega Aggron staggered back, the damage it had been taking finally showing.

Pokemon: Fate's PathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora