Chapter 4 - This Is Why I Love You

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> Your P.O.V <

I watched as Arthur's eyes grew wide, slowly tears formed at the corners of his eyes. I tried to smile reassuringly, however a burst of pain made me grimace instead. Seeing the man slowly release his tears I forced my arm to move upwards, gently I caressed his face.

Arthur took in a ragged breath, "Why did you lie to me?", he chocked desperately. I was confused as to why he was so devastated over me, after all we had only known each other for a short amount of time. He brought his hand against my own, "Why, (Y/n)?", he questioned once more.

"If you had held back for longer you wouldn't have beat him. I couldn't watch you die.", I admitted staring away from his face and to the sky. The heavens were painted a gentle, pastel blue with few clouds dotting the flawless scenery, I thought of it a fitting last sight. "Arthur, thank you for saving me.", I thought back to when the earl had jumped into the river simply help a stranger.

I felt Arthur move, he shook his head, "I know you may not believe me," he sniffed once before continuing, "When I rescued you and again when you healed me, even afterwards, I felt drawn to you.". I watched him curiously, waiting for him to explain himself, "(Y/n)... I love you.", now it was my turn to stare at him with wide eyes.

Tears began to cascade down my own face, I smiled happily, "I love you too.", I admitted, willing myself to speak strongly.

"You remind me much of Marguerite and myself, when we first fell in love.", a new voice choked, Francis had heaved himself into a sitting position and leaned against the wall of the barrier. He smiled to himself, submerged in memory, "I'm sorry I have brought this upon you both. You are right Arthur, Marguerite would not be happy seeing me act like this.". He sighed once more, turning his head to Arthur, "Thank you my friend...", his breath became weaker, "I don't think I could have managed living eternally...", his purple eyes began to droop, "Without my true love...", he smiled and the spell was released, leaving Francis an empty shell of his former self.

I was happy to see that he had found peace in the last moments of his life, but I knew I would be next to leave. I turned my head to see Arthur staring at me with tearful eyes, he knew too. Within an instant his expression changed and he leaned closer towards myself. A warm sensation overtook my lips, my eyes closed themselves as I happily returned the kiss. We seperated and I grew surprised to find myself encased in a golden light which increased in brightness. The light was not blinding, but a soft, warm glow, much like a comforting hug it began to wrap around me. One my one the wounds caused by the linking spell healed, leaving not a single trace behind. Once I had been fully healed the light disappeared leaving me in Arthur's arms, we smiled at each other and he softly placed me on my feet.

I turned to look at the blond, "I have only heard of one magic that is powerful enough to save someone in my condition,", I paused and the earl gestured for me to continue, a grin widened on my smile, "True love's kiss.". I chuckled lightly, "I never believed in true love, perhaps it is time I do believe."

Arthur echoed my chuckle, "Perhaps, perhaps not, we will never know.", he teased slowly leading me away.

We had left Francis' body behind, it still bore a smile as though he were simply enjoying a nice dream. Arthur had not removed his hand from mine the entire way to where Edmund had been left, and after he resorted to placing me in front of him while we rode back to the mansion. I relished in the feeling of being home, my home was truly where Arthur was. Despite the lack of time, we both had somehow fallen in love with each other, possibly there was a thing such as love at first sight.

"Say, (Y/n), I know this may be rushed, but I simply can't live with the thought of you being taken away from me again.", the earl helped me off of the stallion and placed me on the ground. Once I was standing once more, Arthur took both my hands in his and kneeled down on one knee, before me. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?", I cared not for missed banns and different statuses, there was only one answer I could give him.

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