Chapter 3 - A Valiant Heart

Start from the beginning

"Let go of me you brute.", a familiar voice shouted from the cue headed for boarding.

"How troublesome, it seems you have woken up earlier than expected.", a second familiar voice sighed exasperatingly.

I head towards the quarreling sounds and true to my ears I found (Y/n) and the french frog I so despised. Narrowing my eyes to the point of slits I stalked towards them, with my sword unsheathed and poised to penetrate the man's skull.

"Did you honestly think you could get away with this, after sending me a letter?", I growled alerting the two of them to my presence.

Francis chuckled casually, before turning his head to look at me, his eyes shone with a dangerous glint, "So you accept my challenge, it is a shame how so many bystanders will have to die after this.", his halfhearted smile morphed into a dark simper.

> Your P.O.V <

Ignoring the rough grip on my wrist I dashed to the side, only to be tugged back harshly towards my captor, the Frenchman seemed to have lost his mind. With wide eyes I watched him begin to mouth an enchantment, it was a destructive spell surely capable of killing any of the innocent bystanders. Without hesitating I gathered what was left of my own energy and slammed my hand into the rough ground. Within an instant a large dome formed around Francis, Arthur and myself, effectively countering the Frenchman's spell and isolating us from the innocent onlookers. The only price I needed to pay for the encasing spell was a large portion of my energy, without the necessary energy to support myself my legs gave way. Had Francis not retained his firm grip on my wrist I would have crashed to the floor.

"This is what I meant. Healers such as yourself spend too much time worried about pitiful humans you end up hurting yourself.", pain flashed through the Frenchman's eyes, somehow I knew that pain was not for my sake. He sighed loudly, "Marguerite, you must take better care of yourself.", the man leaned down gently placing me on the ground, confusion masked my features.

"Who is Marguerite?", Arthur questioned, taking several steps towards the two of us.

Francis' eyes widened as he caught onto his mistake, before his orbs narrowed in hatred and anger, "Your country took her away from me.", he shouted at the green eyed noble. The Frenchman stood discarding me on the ground and turned to meet the second blond, drawing his blade. "Did you not read the letter? This is payment.", Francis' voice was filled with malice as he took a step towards Arthur.

Arthur reached to his own sword, "Challenging me is pointless, you of all people should know.", he countered meeting Francis' sword with his own. "Let (Y/n) go and I'll be inclined to let you go with most of you limbs attached.", my eyes grew wide at the bitter tone Arthur had assumed, he had never spoken so harshly to anyone, not even the man who had shot him twice.

The Frenchman released a chuckle before springing forward, his sword poised to stab the noble's heart. With practiced speed the earl pushed Francis' sword to the side, bringing the blade back to cut into his opponent's side. The long haired male jumped back, narrowly avoiding the sharp tip, he charged forward once more, dodging Arthur's forward stroke, and successfully managed to clip the Englishman's side. I could only watch with wide eyes as the fair haired earl grunted and grabbed his side, now beginning to stain red. Ignoring whatever pain the wound caused the Englishman lunged forwards once more, aiming for his opponent's legs. Francis jumped upwards, brought his blade backwards and landed a second blow along Arthur's left arm. Left grunting in pain once more, the earl does not waste time to land a counter strike, leaving a long laceration on Francis' chest. In response the long haired blond releases a ragged breath, the cut was not deep enough to kill. Rather than admitting defeat the Frenchman begins to simper once more, his eyes flicker to me and he mumbles another spell. Once completed a barely visible string of red shoots from Francis' nape, the spell shoots at me lodging itself into the back of my neck. Immediately pain shoots through my body and I pull down the collar of my dress to reveal a similar cut to the one left by Arthur.

"The intertwining of fates, truly a handy spell.", Francis chuckles, he directs his attention to his opponent once more, "Anything you do to me will also happen to our lovely damsel in distress."

Arthur's eyes widened, "I am sorry (Y/n)." he calls to me, prepared to dash towards me had a sword not blocked his path, "Why are you doing this?", the blond noble growled impatiently.

"Why?", Francis paused, "Because you my most valuable treasure.", the man raged, "Marguerite was harmless, a healer just like (Y/n). I told her we had to escape your brutal country, she refused and by the time I had returned, your countrymen had been there.". Both Arthur's and my eyes were widened at the story that began to enfold, "I was forced to watch her burn alive while her murderers laughed. Marguerite refused to use any form of offensive magic, despite knowing such spells very well, I took up the attack spells and I survived.", he continued to shout. However it did not end there, "She promised me one last thing, I would see her again.", Francis gestured to me as he finished, by now tears rolled down his face.

In a desperate attempt Francis lunged forward once more, intending to kill Arthur. Out of reflex Arthur parried the attack, the tip of the sword barely missing his mid section. Francis was shaking, I could not tell if it was from sorrow, exhaustion or raw anger, but the man fought on landing several more strikes on Arthur, who was forced to hold back to avoid hurting me. If the battle continued like this there would be a clear victor, I feared for Arthur's death, he could not continue holding back on my account.

"Arthur, do not worry about me.", I shouted towards him, he seemed to ignore my plead, "I can heal myself if you hurt him.", it was a lie, but I refused to let him die. Conflicting emotions decorated the Englishman's expression, Francis on the other hand stared at me knowingly. "Do not worry about me.", I repeated and it seemed to seal his decision.

Arthur began to fight back with more strength than before, surprising Francis. The nobleman increased his speeding trying multiple different combinations of attacks, as the Frenchman desperately blocked each one.

"Do not seek revenge for your lover's death from me, I am not the one to blame.", Arthur growled managing to leave a deep cut in his opponent's shoulder, "What do you think Marguerite would think of you if she saw you now?", the question was a miscalculation on the noble's part, as it left the Frenchman glaring harshly.

He launched himself at Arthur once more, "Don't you dare say her name.", Francis roared, now directly in front of his opponent, sword held high and poised to chop the noble in half.

Without much thought and hesitation, Arthur quickly pulled his blade back and rammed it through Francis exposed chest. His purple eyes were wide and he coughed up blood, before tumbling backwards to the floor, a puddle of read beginning to surround him. I watched the red string wearily, watching a large ball of light traveled along it, once it reached me I too felt the sensation of being stabbed, shortly before collapsing similarly to Francis.

I heard the pounding of boots and soon I found myself propped up against Arthur's lap, he glanced down at me worriedly, "Why aren't you healing yourself?", he question frantically.

I smiled softly, "I can't."

Of Witches and Nobles (England x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now