Chapter 2 - Blossoms and Threats

Start from the beginning

Shyly I walked up towards the horse, I was worried about startling her. Once I had reached her I gently placed a hand on Patience's neck, rubbing it softly. The mare didn't seem all that interested but turned her head towards me, ears pricked forward, sniffing for something edible. I patted her nose away and looked to Arthur, who had already mounted his stallion. I looked to the servant who still held onto the reins, he nodded and I swung myself onto the pillion. The reins were handed to me and I rode up next to Arthur, a smile never leaving my face.

"James, the basket please.", the same man from before produced a basket from behind a hay bale and attacked to to Edmund's saddle. "Shall we be off then?", the blond questioned me, I nodded and soon we were walking out of the stable and into the woods.

Once inside the forest we set off in a trot, I remained next to Arthur who pointed several things out in the green surrounding us, such as the blooming thyme growing close by the forest path. My companion looked on ahead and a worried frown made its way onto his face.

"It has been a while since I have last returned here and now a tree has fallen before the entrance to the clearing. We will have to find a different place to settle.", he glanced sadly at me.

I looked at the thick trunk and sized it up with my eyes, then Edmund and Patience, "Can't we jump over?", I questioned much to the blond's surprise.

"Edmund and Patience are certainly suitable for a jump as such, but are you? I could not bear to live with myself if you were injured because of me.", Arthur looked between the fallen tree and myself.

I nodded, "You can jump first and all I need to do is hold on and keep my balance.", he still looked unsure but sighed and nodded.

With graceful motions Arthur lead his stallion back and prepared for the jump. With practiced movements, he nudged Edmund forward into a steady canter, heading straight towards the tree, in one swift motion both of them cleared the obstacle. Keeping my companion's jump in mind I tried to copy his movements and gently nudged Patience into a canter, I pointed her towards the trunk as anxiety built up in me. The mare beneath me seemed to sense my fear and stopped for the obstacle, refusing to jump it.

"(Y/n) you have to stay calm. Patience will only jump if you want her to.", Arthur called over to me.

I tried again, leading Patience farther away from the tree and then pushing her into a canter. With determination burning inside me I leant into the rocking motion and prepared for the jump, I gripped part of her mane as Patience propelled herself over the tree. For that moment I felt as though I was flying, never before had I experienced a moment of such freedom.

We landed and I smiled brightly at Arthur, who mirrored my expression, "Wonderful, we only need to follow this path a few foot lengths, then we will reach the clearing.", he rode in front of me as we trotted on the narrow path towards the clearing.

> Narrator's (Me, over here!) P.O.V <

Whilst you and Arthur were lunching together, a mysterious figure crossed the border into the peaceful village. The man walked with a confident stride, an air of elegance and grace surrounded him, people began to stare. His lilac eyes lit up as he searched all of the faces for the one he was looking for. His employer was no where to be found, scoffing he brushed some of his blond locks from his face and placing them back inside his ponytail. He continued to walk forward towards a church in the distance, once he had reached it he simply sat on the stairs rubbing the stubble on his chin until a familiar man came into sight.

"Ah, bonjour, sir Pennyborough~", the black robed man scoffed, disliking the stranger's accent.

"I hate the french.", he cursed quietly to himself with a sour expression on his face, "Bonnefoy," the blond winced at the horribly mispronounced name, "I have only ordered your here for one reason, it was not to waste time by dirtying my cathedral with your presence.", the Frenchman sighed and lifted himself from the stairs and began walking once more, this time to where he planned to complete his assignment.

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