Chapter 6

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I grab her hand and start walking. I stop. I realized I was holding her hand. I let go really fast and turned to look at her. I turned really red. Then, I... well.. being the macho man that I am, I ran away like a little girl. 

"Ethan, wait! Come back!" I heard her yell. 

Smooth Move, Ethan. Smooth move.

 I stopped.

When she caught up with me we continued running until we found a door with blood on it. Penelope slides to a stop and I followed. We examined the blood together. I looked over at Penel, who's eyes were wide. She looked over at me, "I'm trying so hard not to scream right now." I grabbed her shoulders, "Do it. Scream. I need you to." 

"What?! No!"

"I'll be fine. Just catch me as I fall. I'll wake up eventually. Just scream." She put her head in her hands and shook her head, "Fine.." she said quietly. She looked back at the blood and screamed. A real scream.

I blacked out.

Meghan looked at Uncle Chester, "I can't believe you fell in love with one of my minions. She was never supposed to die. But then again, neither was Liam." Uncle Ches looked like he was about to pounce on her, "You didn't." He said. His voice filled with anger. She chuckled, "Not yet. Just wait." She had an evil smile in her face. My dad, with the cloth in his mouth, said, "I can't believe you." She laughed an evil laugh and narrowed her eye sight to my dad, "Levi" She started pacing, "Levi, Levi, Levi. Levi Connor... You attractive man. But completely stupid. Hold still will ya?" She pulls out a gun and points it at them. "Goodbye." She says with a smirk.

I wake up. I look at Penelope. I have tears running down my face. I'm panicking like hell. "Penel! Meghan and... GUN!" She looked at me, "Yes, because that made sense." she said with a smile. 


I jumped up and yelled, "NO!" and I sprinted down the hallway, leaving Penelope in my dust. 

I found the room that my vision was centered around. I walked in and Meghan wasn't there. My dad was on the ground and Uncle Chester was on top of him. "Dad!? No!" I yelled running in. "HELP! MOM, KRISTIANA! HELP!" Penelope ran up, saw them on the floor, and started shaking. 

Everyone who was in the lobby ran in. "Levi!" Mom panicked. Kristiana ran up to him. She examined him. "There's not a wound on him." She said narrowing her eyes at me. Jacob kneeled onto the ground, "Dad?" his voice was shaky, "Dad... Wake up! Come on!" He shoved him. Kris moved Jacob to the side while she examined his body. She turned around to mom and I, "He still has a pulse but bullet went through his chest. Just past his heart."

I just looked at my sister, "You need to get them out of here." 

"Mom needs her arm looked at anyway. Gabe, Jacob help me pick him up and take him to my mom's car."


"Ethan?" My dad said finally coming back into consciousness, "What happened?"

I grabbed his hand, "I'm guessing Uncle Chester fell in front of you in order to dodge the bullet which banged your head on the wall really hard and caused you to pass out." He nodded his head and looked over at Penelope and back at me.

"That your girlfriend?" He asked smiling at me. My eyes widened, "No! She is not my girlfriend! She's just a girl who is my friend. Her name is Penelope." I whispered. He gave me the "riigghhtt" look. I ignored it and started asking him questions, "Did you see where Meghan went?" He looked towards the hallway, "She turned left from the room but that's all I know." I sighed. I looked at Penelope. She glared at me.

"No! I'm not screaming again! It scares me! If your vision gets too bad, you shake!" she panicked. I grabbed her shoulders. My heart was pounding. 

"Please. It's okay. I'll be fine. I swear." She still shook her head. I turned around and walked out of the room. 


When I got back to the lobby, Kristiana had just gotten back inside with Gabe and Jake. I grabbed Kris and Jake and drug them to the hallway. 

"Do me a favor?" I asked with an innocent look on my face. Kris glared at me.

"Does this have do do with your visions?"



"Come on! I help you all the time!"

"I'm not helping you because you're just going crazy."

"Just scream."

"Just what?" 

"Scream. A real scream. Not a fake one." Jacob looked at me, "Why?" he asked. I turned to look at him, "Catch me. I'm going to fall." I turn back to Kristiana, "Scream. Now. Please and Thank you." 

She does it. She screamed. I fell. Jake caught me.

Meghan is sprinting out of the Music building. She just keeps running. She's goes into the parking lot. She stops. She turns her head. She's looking at a car. Or Maybe something.. or someone in the car. She runs to the car. She pulls out her gun and opens the back door. The angle changes. I can't see the persons face that was just drug out of the car. She's screaming bloody murder. Meghan chokes her, puts her on her back, and runs. Runs as fast as she can. The angle changes again. I still can't see the woman's face. Meghan runs to the Culinary building and comes back out with knives. The woman is still on her back. Meghan runs up the stairs of Remmy, "Phew. Good god, you stupid bitch... You're a heavy ass motherfucker." Then proceeds to drop the woman down the stairs.

At the bottom, the woman lied there. Still. Then she turned over. It was my mother... Meghan was laughing her evil bitchy laugh then pulled out her gun. One blast from the bullet. A warning signal. But.. a Warning signal for what?

I'm snapped awake by my sister slapping me multiple times in the face.

"Ethan? Oh my God, wake up!!!" I grab her hand, "I'm awake! Quit fucking hitting me!, you bitch!" Her eyes widened, "You were having a seizure!" 

"I was fine."

"Did you not hear me?! You. Were. Having. A. Seizure!"

"Kristiana. Believe me. I was fine. The vision made me do that." Penelope ran over. "Are you okay? I heard Kris yelling." I told her I was fine and that I had another vision.

"Another? What was it about?" I explained everything. Kris appeared to be listening. I saw Gabe at the end of the hall, also listening. Jake was.. I'm guessing thinking of ways to be a super hero.

By the time I finished explaining, Kristiana was in tears. "I have to go make sure she's okay!" 

"Kris. She's still in the car. We have approximately... 5 minutes, 23 seconds before she gets her." We all sit there for a moment. I connected my hand to my face. "That means we go find Meghan. Someone stay with dad." Gabe raised his hand, "I will. I already got hurt through this. I rather not do it again." I smiled, "You're a good man, Gabe." He smiled as a sign of thanks.

"Everyone else?" Penelope, Kristiana, and Jake were all looking at me. All there attention was to me. I finally felt like I was a part of something. I smiled at all of them, "Let's go stop Meghan."

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