Chapter 3

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I walk back out to the lobby and Penelope is in Gabe's arms. 

Well, so much for that...

I sit in a chair by myself. I had to think about what I saw.. and that Penelope is another girl down the drain. 

My phone vibrates. It was my dad.

Hey, bud! Are you all alright? We heard the alarm. Are you all safe?

I'm really tempted not to answer him. But I had to...

Yeah, Dad. we're fine.

He didn't text back. Which was dandy for me. I didn't want him to. I don't really feel like telling him that we are trapped in Remmy Music Hall. If I do, he and mom will be down here in 5 seconds. Which would embarrass me more than their plaques...


Hours passed. We all still sat there in the music hall. We got to know everyone a little more. There were people still practicing because we heard the instruments. 

Penelope, Gabe, Jake, Kris, and I were sitting in a circle talking. Jake was looking on his phone. 

"We are still on lock down." Jake says.  Kris looked at me in confusion.

"And Mom and dad aren't here yet? I'm surprised." I looked down. She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry. I didn't want them here, either." I smiled at her.

"Gabe, do you think mom will come?" Penelope asked. Wait... mom? They're related? Gabe looked down the hall in fascination, "Nah. Mom doesn't worry about us." I kind of smiled. 

Gabe is her brother. Thank the lord! I still have a chance!

When everyone started talking again, I see something. All of a sudden, I'm not in the lobby of the music hall. It looks like a practice room. There's a dead body on the floor. I can't identify it. The head was blown to bits. 

"Ethan? Are you there?" Penelope taps my shoulder. I snap out of it. "Yeah. And call me Eth." She smiles, "As long as you call me Penel." I nod and smile back. 


I grab Kris and drag her down the hallway. I shutter.

"What?" Kris whispers.

"I saw something. Again.." 

"Come on, Eth! You're probably just tired." she rolled her eyes.

"Are you two okay?" Penel asked walking towards us. I shook my head. 

"We're fine. Eth is just going crazy." Kris said shoving me a little. Penel gave me a concerned look. I nodded to say I was fine. She shook her head and walked away. Kris turned to me, "Will you just shut up? You're talking crazy!" She walked away. And there I was. Alone. In the Hallway. Again.

I know there is something up... First it was just dead bodies. They looked like they were murdered by instruments. Like my dad told me about. I'm still sitting in the hallway thinking. Why were the peoples heads exploded? That sentence didn't make sense so I rephrased it.

Why were peoples heads blown off? How were they blown off?


Two gun shots. Everyone ran down my way. Kris gave me glare as if I did it.

"What happened?" I said in panic. Jake was in his I'm-a-bad-ass-mode.

"Gun shot. About 45 degrees from where you were sitting in the lobby. It came from outside. I'm guessing the person who shot is trying to get into Remmy."

My heart stops. They can't get into Remmy! Then I'll have to call mom and dad! 

Kris grabs me and shows her vibrating phone to me.

Call From: Dad


I take the phone and answer.


"Hey, Ethan! It's your dad. You alright?"

"Yeah Dad. We're fine."

"You sure? The school is on lock down and I heard three gunshots."

"We're fine."

"Ethan Luke. We're coming. Tell Kristiana Louise that we are on our way."

I hang up without telling him where we were. I look at Kris.

"They are coming." Her eyes widened, "This can't happen!" 

There was another gunshot. Jake turned his head in the direction of the shot. "It came from there!" We followed him down the hallway. 

We walked into the room and there was a person. Their head was blown to bits. The were guts on the walls and blood on the floor. Jacob, being the manly man that he is, passed out. Penelope and Kris stayed back while I investigated it with Gabe.

"It was a gun shot." Gabe stated. i did a face-palm. We hear foot steps and I follow them. 

As I left to follow the footsteps I looked at Kris, "Call mom and dad. They don't know where we are. Tell them." I said with a sigh. Her eyes widened, "You didn't tell them?" I glared at her, "No! I didn't! You didn't want them here either! Call them. NOW!" I demanded. She shook her head as she pulled out her cell phone. 

After about 10 minutes. I was still following the footsteps. It was rather quiet otherwise. Perfect. The foot steps stopped. I continued to walk forward when someone grabbed me. 

I shook and kicked until I broke free. Then, I tied the person up with my belt. They had a mask on. The persons hands were moving with the gun on their hand. I go to grab it and it goes off.

"Woah! Watch where you point that thing, will ya?" I said with a smirk. The person just glared at me. I pulled their mask off and then covered their mouth. 

The guys name was Daniel Hamilton. I didn't know him. But his name was inside his mask. He glared at me. I just smirked at him. 

"Where did you come from?" I asked. No answer.

"Why are you doing this?" Still no answer.

"Are you working with anyone?" He turned his head, "Ah. So you are? Who?" No answer.

Mom, Dad, Uncle Chester, Jake, Kris, Penel, and Gabe walked in. 

"Ethan! Are you okay?" Mom asked worried. I told her I was fine. Then they began to hug me and Kristiana. That little hug fest quickly came to an end when I hear the foot steps again. I spring up and look in the doorway. Some woman was standing there.

"Well, well... I've been waiting for you three." The lady said with a smirk. Dad got real defensive and got in her face, "Look. It's fine to mess with us because we can easily put you back in jail but if you mess with our kids-" She put her hand up to shut him up. Me and the rest of the "kids" stood to the back. Penel and Kristiana were shaking violently. The lady looked over at us.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Meghan Warner. I'm sure your parents have talked a lot about me?" She said sweetly with a smile. I looked at her and smirked flipping my less than shoulder length hair back like a preppy teenage girl, "Yeah. They said that you were a bitch." Her face turned red from anger. 

"Watch it, you brat." 

"Watch what? You really miserably fail to kill someone successfully?" Her face turned blood red. I could tell she was furious.

"I could kill you right now." She says looking down.

"I dare you." 

She pulls out a gun from her back pocket, "YOU IGNORANT LITTLE BRAT!" 


Three gunshots...

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