Chapter 3 - Its me

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 The killer's grin turns to confusion as you rise and stand, your body slightly shimmering. 

"Have you already forgotten me Vincent?" you sigh

You watch as his purple face turns lavender and then white. 

"Ah, I think you remember"

And he does, I was his first kill, the first child he murdered. You were eight at the time, a little younger than the girl you were now protecting. You had been wandering this place for six years now, unable to stop your killer from hurting others. But now you could. You had seen him lead them away from the main room, you had seen the knife hidden in his sleeve. But then you had made a mistake. You'd gone to the Marionette. You had let the children die. You had come back and it had been too late. Five of them had been killed and only the little girl and the killer remained. Maybe it is too late to save all of them, you'd thought but it's not too late to save the little girl  

And now she stood behind you, hidden, as you faced your killer. You had been able to save her, you had been able to draw the killer away. But now you had to keep her safe. 

"You stole my life from me before I had even experienced it truly. You have stolen lives from young ones not out of spite or revenge, but for the joy of it. There is no place for you to have a happy life"

You rise, holding the knife that had pierced your body all those years ago. 

"You will never find sanctuary, not as long as we live"

The killers face turns from fear to confusion


"Yes, we"

And all hell breaks loose

All around you, the Animatronics spark to life. In the blink of an eye, they are by your side. Golden Freddy, Chica, and Foxy on your left, Freddy and Bonnie on your right. The purple man looks confused. A ghostly echo fills the room

"It's me"

The killer's already white face goes even paler, his body frozen in shock

"You remember them too don't you? Their bodies still reside in that room. The children you killed less than an hour ago. Their spirits still live, searching for justice upon the man who took their lives" Your face darkens "YOU"

Freddy takes a step towards the purple guy and the killer bolts, running back down the hallway, all thoughts about the child gone. Foxy picks you up and arranges you onto his back as the animatronics give chase. You look behind you and see the Marionette running after you, the young girl in his arms. Foxy turns sharply and your head almost whacks into his shoulder. You brace your arms in front of your face to protect it. Even though you are a ghost, your body is quite solid, since you've been rejecting the idea that you are dead and still alive for a long time. You can choose to be transparent at times but it secretly terrifies you. In a way to you, its like you have accepted that you are dead. And you will never accept that. 

There used to be other ghosts too, they helped you after you had died but one by one they had disappeared. The last ghost told you that they had finally moved on, accepting themselves dead and letting go of the hatred and wish for revenge on their killer, believing that he will never be punished for his actions. But you had refused to give in.

As the mechanical suits run after the Purple man, you catch sight of one of the cameras, the letters on its side reading CAM 5. You know where you are going; To the backstage area, or the parts and services room. Thank Gods it's a Sunday, you think, the night guard would be scared to death. You glance up in time to see the killer dive through the open door doorway as the corridor is a dead end.

As Foxy creaks into the room, his eyes light up, bathing the room in an eerie light. You climb off his back and go over to the marionette and the little girl

She holds your hand and the puppet's tightly. You look up and see that the Purple man is trapped. There is nothing to hide behind, nothing to hurt the animatronics. You try hitting a metal suit with plastic. Same thing. There's only one exit out of this room and the animatronics are guarding it. 

"Have to hide, there's no escape" He mutters. And suddenly he goes still, all panic gone from his face, just blank. You follow his gaze and my eyes rest on the old animatronic suit.

The one we call Springtrap

You remember listening in to the recorded messages left behind for new night guards. They would talk about making sure that no one broke in, no children were left behind, stuff like that. After the long introduction, they talked about Springtrap.

"He's an old suit that we used to have before we made Freddy and the gang," The phone guy had said "He was called Spring Bonnie but about a year ago, someone was doing maintenance on his wiring and the opening to his chest snapped shut, chopping off the workers hand. It took a chainsaw to reopen him and even then we had to be careful. If he was moved too roughly or suddenly, well, we lost three chainsaw blades thanks to him. Anyway, that's how he earned the name Springtrap. I wouldn't go near that thing if I were you"

You look at the old animatronic, withered by age and decay, but still strong. It remained untouched for more than a year and its paint is flaking off. In your earlier days as a spirit, and even nowadays, you would often be found in the parts and services room, fiddling with the suit. Once, you had accidentally triggered the spring locks and the suit snapped closed, trapping you inside. Being a spirit, you didn't get hurt and simply floated through the metal out of the metal suit. You had pried the door back open and left it there.

The chest is open and inside is hollowed out shell, big enough for someone to fit inside.

And then you realize his plan

You stumble towards the Purple guy

"No! Don't!"

But it's too late. Before you can stop him, he climbs into the suit, sealing the chest plate behind him. You hold your breath. If it works, he'll be even deadlier than before, but if it doesn't....

Minutes seem like years and all you can hear is his maniacal laughter echoing from out of the suit. Your un-beating heart leaps to your throat. 

"No, It couldn't have worked, right?" You turn to the Marionette "Right?" The puppet's usually floppy body is stiff and rigid. You can read the body language. He doesn't know the answer. He is just as afraid as you are. No, you think, even more afraid. He rescued our spirits from the killer. If he was to successfully operate the suit, he would never be able to save anyone again. 

Creaking breaks through the laughter as the Purple guy rises and stands

And that's when things go wrong

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