Chapter 2 - I refuse to let you

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You run down the hall as fast as you can but he's gaining fast. You turn the corner sharply, leading down a side hall and the killer runs right past, missing you by inches. He stops running and walks back to the side hall, taking his time, believing you have nowhere to go. You take shallow breaths as you try to recover from escaping. A creak comes from up ahead. You look up and smile. Ahead of you are the animatronic suits. Shimmering in front of them are the dead children's spirits. Standing behind them is The Marionette and the young girl. The spirits try to touch her and she tries to touch them as they remember each other.  You tell the spirits your plan as quickly as possible. They nod once and dive into the suits, beginning to work their own type of magic. You smile and hold your hand out to the girl. 

"Do you trust us? We're going to get rid of the bad man"

She smiles hopefully and grips your hand 

"I trust you, and the puppet" She whispers

Suddenly you hear footsteps. You whirl around and see the Purple man walking towards you, an ax in hand. 


Marionette takes the child's hand and pulls her into the shadows so the killer doesn't see her. You remain where you are, the dim lights partially shadowing your face. 

An ax against a knife. The killer knew he had an easy win on his side. You look at the tiny knife in your hand, the blade glinting in the dim lights. A weapon, an ornament. But not a killer. No, the killer was the wielder. The killer chose to use it. To kill or to wound that was the question. You smile slightly at your stupid humor. You hold the knife ready before looking back up at the killer

"Ah, Vincent,"

He freezes in his tracks

"How do you know my name?" He snarls

You laugh, "You see a lot around this place, children throwing pizzas at each other, adults taking sips of their kid's drinks...." Your smile fades "But there's a darker side to this place, isn't there? Children screaming for help, blood spattered on walls. Your life being taken from you."

You lift your shirt and show a long deep cut across your stomach. The killer's eyes widen as he looks at the scar and his grin grows wider

"Well well, so you can survive being cut huh? Allow me to finish the job"

His laugh echoes through the hallway, making it louder until it rings in your ears and folds into your brain. He rushes at you and slams you into the ground, fingers closing around your throat, his grin becoming maniacal. You hear the young girls muffled screams as Marionette holds her back. Thank you, my dear friend, you think. You grip his fingers and try to pry them off.

"Never again," you choke "I wont...let you harm...another child!"

The killer just laughs louder and raises the ax. One of your hands comes away from his strangling fingers and grabs the knife. As the ax comes down, the knife thrusts up, grinding into the ax blade and slicing into his upper arm. He snarls and drops the ax, the sharp end just missing you. You look up at him just as his knuckles come swinging into your cheek. White light floods your vision and your cheek throbs. The next punch takes your other cheek, the next your ribs. You gasp and convulse, covering up, trying to escape the punches. The tip of a boot finds your forehead and you go limp, barely staying conscious. Your spread out and you know the next punch will send you to sleep. The killer kneels over you and smiles. He reaches for something behind your head and then draws his hand back. The knife gripped in his palm.


He leans in and puts his head to your ear

"Allow me to finish the job"

He draws his head back and raises the knife over your heart. Time stands still as your heart rate increases, showing exactly where to hit. As the knife is raised, you let yourself go limp, showing he has won. As you hear the little girls cries, the knife comes down and goes right through your body, hitting the concrete below. 

But you can't kill what's already dead

The seventh childOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora