"But . . . Usually Harry is in trouble with them," said Ginny. "Besides, where are they now? They can't still be in McGonagall's office!"

"Maybe she locked them in the dungeon," suggested Fred.

"Yeah, them and Snape had a sleepover," sniggered George.

The twins got up. Fred patted an annoyed Ginny on the head.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much Gin," said Fred. "They'll turn up."

After breakfast, Ginny headed down to the lake where the second task was being held. The seats that had been used in the first task were now surrounding the lake. Ginny headed up them with her usual group of Gryffindors (minus Colin as he and Dennis were still back in the castle, trying to finish up a Potter Will Slaughter sign they'd been working on since the night before).

The judges, including Percy (who was taking Crouch's place) were sitting at a gold-tablecloth draped table by the waters edge. The champions were standing by that table, or most of them were.

"Where is Harry?" Ginny asked, immediately noticing he wasn't present.

"I don't know," said Vera, looking concerned.

Everyone around them seemed to be murmuring the very same question; where is Harry Potter?

Suddenly Harry came streaking toward the judges table, his rumpled robes flapping behind him. He looked like he had just woke up; his hair was sticking up in every direction and his glasses were askew. Ginny was relieved to see him, but she still couldn't see Ron and Hermione anywhere. She would have to assume they were just lost in the crowd of students and teachers filling the stadiums.

After Harry had caught his breath, Ludo Bagman spaced the champions along the bank. Harry was on the very end of the line.

Bagman magically magnified his voice, then and announced that the champions had exactly an hour to retrieve what had been taken from them.

"On the count of three then," called Bagman. "One . . . Two . . . three!"

He blew a whistle and the stands erupted with cheers and applause.

Ginny sympathized with the champions as they went striding into the dark water. Harry had to take off his shoes first, so he was a little late wading into the lake. The other champions quickly dove beneath the surface, but Harry went into his waist. People began to laugh as Harry stood there, shivering. Ginny glowered at the people who were making fun of him, and and silently urged Harry to just go under. Ginny knew how cold that water was, and she knew he would do himself no favors by staying half-submerged.

As if Harry had heard Ginny's thoughts, Harry clutched his throat as if he couldn't breath, then flung himself into the water.

It was several seconds after Harry submerged that everyone realized how awkward and boring this task was going to be for the audience. All they had to do was stand there and stare at the black surface, waiting for something to happen. Everyone quickly grew restless and began talking among themselves, betting who was going to win, and just trying to pass the time. Fred and George started passing out their fake wands for people to entertain themselves with.

Ginny spotted Viola, Ava, Hugo and Clemi standing not too far off. Ginny decided she would go talk to them for a while.

"Hey," said Ginny, as she sat down on the bench beside Viola. Viola looked around in surprise, then smiled.

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