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Ginny rocked back and forth. She sat on her bed with her knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped around herself. Her freckled cheeks were tear stained. She seemed twitchy and unfocused. Her eyes kept darting to the trunk beside her bed, then they would flicker away and focus on the window, or her socks, or anything.

She had promptly run up here after breakfast and now found herself trying to resist the temptation to get out her diary. She felt a strong desire to write in it.

All year, if she was worried about something, she had written about it to Tom. Now Ginny had never been so worried in her life. More than anything she needed to discuss it with someone. She had faithfully left the diary at the bottom of her trunk untouched for over a month. Sometimes it almost seemed like the diary was whispering to her, but Ginny had ignored it.

Now Ginny could sense that same whispering. She could feel the diary trying to get to her. It wanted her.

The terrified eleven year old lost all self restraint.

She slipped off the bed and flung open her trunk. She dug the diary out from beneath all her school supplies. She frantically untied the scarf, then opened the diary. She grabbed a quill and began to write.

Tom, tomorrow the cure for the petrified people will be done. They'll know it was me. I've never been so afraid in my whole life. Can't you help me Tom? This is all your doing, can't you fix what you've done?

Tom swiftly replied.

Yes I can. Your troubles will all come to end soon Ginny.

Ginny felt foolish hope rising in her chest. Maybe she had missed judged Tom. Maybe he wasn't responsible for her opening the Chamber.

It will?

Yes Ginny, it will. You see I am not who think I am.

Ginny dropped her quill when she saw the next words.

I am Lord Voldemort. I know this will frighten you, but don't be afraid. You only have a few more hours left to live, you might as well spend them happy.

Ginny stared at the page in utter horror.

And now Ginny, you will write a message on the wall. You will travel down to the Chamber and stay there. Harry Potter will come. I know he will.

And that was the last thing Ginny clearly remembered before Tom took control.

Everything that was just flashes after that. Tears coursing down her cheeks. Red paint. Someone shaking her. Hissing noises. Green light. Coldness soaking through the back of her robes. A voice saying "He will come." Then an unfamiliar young man, rising from the pages of the diary which lay open on the stone floor.

Then Ginny felt the energy fade from her and everything turned cold and black.


Viola stopped at the Slytherin Common Room, midmorning, to pick up her needed books for next class, Transfiguration. She wasn't the only Slytherin present, but she payed no mind to the others as she gathered her things, while thinking hard.

Ginny hadn't come to Charms class. Viola supposed she was probably hiding, awaiting the punishment she would receive to her crimes.

Viola wondered if she should go tell Professor McGonagall about Ginny, just incase Professor Snape neglected to do so. But McGongall intimidated far more than Snape did, so Viola approached this idea with much caution.

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