"Well, I guess it's a start," said Ginny.

Harry just stood there for a moment, looking around. He seemed completely oblivious to the cheers and boos coming at him from the surrounding audience.

Him and the dragon made eye contact. Ginny tensed. Then Harry raised his wand.

"Accio firebolt!" he shouted.

The crowd let out a collective gasp as, after a moment, Harry's wand came zooming toward him out of nowhere.

Harry grabbed onto his broom, jumped on, and shot off into the air.

From that moment on it was a crazy series of dodges, jolts and dips as Harry dodged the dragons fire and tried to dive down to get the egg.

Beside Ginny, Hermione was digging her fingernails into her skin as she gripped her cheeks in fear.

Harry flew high into the air, so high the dragon had no choice but to follow. It took after Harry.

Ron jumped into his feet and started cheering as loudly as he could.

"Go Harry! Go Harry!"

Ginny joined in.

Harry dived before the dragon had time to see what he was doing. He dove down, snatched up the golden egg and then with a huge spurt of speed he was off, soaring out over the stands.

The crowd erupted. Even people who weren't supporting Harry as the Hogwarts champion were cheering for him.

Ginny couldn't stop grinning.

"That was really -" started Ginny, but then she stopped.

Ron and Hermione were already gone, Hermione dragging Ron after her as they sped through the crowd.

"Where are you going?" Ginny hollered, but the two didn't hear her.

Ginny folded her arms across her chest in vague annoyance.

"I guess I'll just go find someone else to walk with then," said Ginny.

She quickly spotted some friends walking nearby and she ran to join them.


"I just want to have a quick look," said Viola as she walked down the path that lead to the exit door of the arena.

"But I wanted to go talk to Cedric!" complained Hugo.

Along with Ava and Clemi, he was following Viola.

"Fine then," said Viola. "You go see Cedric, while Ava, Clemi and I go see the dragons."

She was still walking. Hugo pushed out his lower lip into a pouty expression.

"But I want you guys to come!" he whined.

"No," said Clemi.


"No Hugo," said Ava.

"Pretty please?"

Bat-Bogey HexersWhere stories live. Discover now