"Deal," said Ginny, then she turned and left the common room.


Viola's cheeks and hands were red with cold by the time Morgana arrived. The girl suddenly appeared from behind a greenhouse. Her freckled face was filled with disinterest as she scanned the area.

"Where's the other girl?" Morgana asked without so much as a hello.

"Not sure," said Viola.

"Well, she better hurry up," said Morgana.

Viola couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was just like Morgana to insist on being there to do the spell, and then just complain about it.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" Viola asked.

"Yes, actually," said Morgana, "I have a date."

Viola gave her a look of disbelief.

"What?" sneered Morgana. "Is that so hard to believe?"

"No . . . It's just . . . Who would - I mean, who are you going on a date with?"

"Andrew Rowle," said Morgana casually as she examined her nails. "He isn't much to look at, but he's a pureblood."

Morgana gave a shrug as if to say that was all that mattered, and Viola supposed, to Morgana, it was.

"How about you?" Morgana asked. "Go on any dates recently?"

Morgana gave a snort at the end of that sentence that made Viola angry. She folded her arms over her chest and held her chin up high.

"No, and I don't plan on it either. Boys are stupid. I don't plan on dating until I'm about . . . twenty-five!"

It was all lies spewing from Viola's mouth, but she couldn't let Morgana have the satisfaction of that snort.

"Who's not dating until they're twenty-five?" asked a voice.

Morgana and Viola looked around to see that Ginny had arrived in a yellow jumper and Wellington boots.

"Never mind that," said Viola, straightening from the bored/cold hunch she'd been in before. "Let's get this done. Morgana?"

Viola looked to Morgana. The girl pulled her elm wand out of her robes and stepped forward.

"Alright, first, you grasp each other's hands," said Morgana.

Ginny stepped forward as well and boldly held out her freckled hand. Viola took it. Her mouth was a thin line, and her eyes were full of rivalry.

"Now, I will perform the spell," said Morgana.

Morgana raised her wand with an elegant swinging motion.

"Wait," said Ginny just as Morgana was bringing the wand down upon their clasped hands.

"What?" demanded Morgana.

"You aren't going to curse us, are you?" Ginny demanded suspiciously.

Morgana rolled her green eyes.

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