► The Rescue: Part Two

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Randy hung his head in disappointment. The past month of his life all had been a lie, and he had been a fool to fall every single trick Scarlett had up her sleeve, he thought. He got played like a fiddle, and now he was in this precarious position. Randy struggled to break free, as he was still bounded by the handcuffs. They dug into his skin and were beginning to cut off the circulation to his hands.

Randy's only hope was the girl who break his heart.

"What's wrong Randy?" Chris smirked, taunting him. "Finally realizing what it's like to get your heart broken? Huh? It sucks, doesn't it?"

Randy sat in silence. Saying it sucked was an understatement. He felt like his heart had ripped out of his chest, and there was nothing he could do about it. The Apex Predator had become the prey.


"Drive faster!" Scarlett barked at Seth Rollins. Her heart was racing fast and her body shook in anxiety. Dozens of thoughts floated around in her head. She knew Chris Jericho was capable of anything, so she was afraid he would harm Randy. It would be all her fault too. She couldn't handle the guilt if Randy got hurt in any way. She would blame herself and never live it down.

Scarlett squeezed onto Phil's hand who sat beside her. She couldn't seem to let go. She stared outside the window as they drove past many unfamiliar buildings. The paranoia built up inside as the surroundings become more foreign. She had no idea where they were.

Suddenly the car came to a screeching halt and stopped. "We're here," Seth announced.

Scarlett froze in hesitation. She looked around and shivered. Scarlett had never been to this part of town before, and it scared her a little. They were in a dark alley; it was the perfect place to commit a crime, almost, too perfect. Scarlett slowly stepped out of the car, and peered over her shoulder at Phil. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"I'm right behind you if anything happens," he assured her. He looked around his surroundings and got a strange feeling in his stomach. Something about the alley seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't figure out why.

"They should be in there," Seth pointed to a rusty metal door.

Scarlett glanced at Seth and Phil to make sure they were following her. Phil nodded, signaling for her to go.

Scarlett sighed. Truthfully, a part of her didn't want to see what was on the other side of the door. Who knows what Jericho could've already done to Randy. That thought quickly vanished at Scarlett opened the squeaky metal door and glanced inside. Her eyes shot right to the sight of Randy, bound to a chair. She could see the bruises all over him and the weakness in his eyes. He looked helpless and weak. Scarlett immediately ran to his side on instinct. But she was stopped midway by a large body who stepped in front of her.

Scarlett looked up in horror at the person standing before her. Mike.

Mike smirked. "And where do you think you're going?" He grabbed her arm tightly.

"I think she's going to kick your ass," Phil stepped into the room and glared at Mike intensely.

Mike let go of Scarlett's arm and stared back at Phil. He scoffed. "Her and what army?"

Almost as if on cue, Seth Rollins appeared out of the darkness and revealed himself. "Us," Seth pointed to himself and Phil.

The look on Mike's face was priceless. He was in pure shock.

"This is a joke right?" Mike became worried. "Seth we had a deal, we had a plan..." Mike stuttered.

"We did," Seth half smiled, "But I realized that I don't want to associated with a pathetic coward," he took the words of Scarlett, who gave him a smile of approval.

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