► Love Is Just A Game

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"Time to play a little game Scarlett, MY game. It's quite simple actually, and there are only two rules:

1. Follow my instructions and do what I say, exactly how I tell you how to do it.

2. Do not speak of this or tell anyone about this, if you do, there will be dire consequences.

Now that you understand the rules, it's time to explain the game, and how it works. Each week you will receive instructions, and your job is to complete the task. If you do, then there will be no problems and soon enough you will win the game. However, if you refuse to or fail to accomplish the goal, there will be consequences. The punishment could either affect you, or someone you care about, the choice is yours.

Prepare to be put the ultimate test sweetheart. It's about time people get what they deserved, but you have the chance to prevent those people from letting karma fuck them up. The power is in your hands, but we will always we watching. Be careful what you do, because one wrong move, and it's game over. Your secret will be exposed, and how do you think daddy will react if he finds out his own daughter has been screwing around with his best friend? We both don't want it to have to come to that, now do we?

Sometimes we have to do things that hurt the ones we care about, but sometimes, hurting them protects them. How far are you willing to go to protect your little Viper? Follow my rules, and no one will get hurt....much. Truth is, Randy's a heartbreaker. So we're going to crush him before he crushes you Scarlett.

It's about time we beat him at his own game. He's going to learn what it's like to be crushed and feel so worthless. Put your acting face on babe, because we're putting on the show of the century. What goes around, comes around, and I thought you'd be the perfect one for the job. Speaking of jobs, you're welcome for convincing Vince to make your permanent general manager. That's a lot of power and a dream job for many, and you wouldn't want to lose it, would you?

Your job is simple: get your little boy toy to fall in love with you, and break his heart.

Now I know what you might be thinking. You're thinking that either way, he's going to get hurt, but actually, you're helping him. Don't you want him to know what it feels like to lose at his own game? Don't you want to be the one to change him and his ways? Or do you want to ruin his career? The choice is yours, but either way, choose wisely. Randy's only getting what's been coming to him for a long time, my dear.

This time we will be victorious.

All good relationships start with a first date, so your first task is to do just that. Don't worry either, I'll even pay for this one. There's $100 in your bag in the lockeroom. Have fun, but not too much fun.

And remember: smile, you never know who could falling for it. Haha. The game begins now, so good luck Scarlett."

Scarlett's body trembled in fear as she read the message. Either way, someone was going to end up hurt. It felt like the walls were closing in on her, and there was no escape. But why her? Why did Chris make her do his dirty work? What kind of person does something like this? The thought disgusted Scarlett as her eyes stared at the paper. She reread it dozens of times, realizing what she was being forced to do. There was no way to fool Chris either, he was watching all the time. But he said "we", which meant there were more people working with him. Scarlett wanted to get to the bottom of this, but that would be risky. She had been backed into a corner, and she had no other choice than to follow his rules.

Chris saying that she was helping Randy was utter bullshit, but the words still kept Scarlett thinking. It was messing with her mind. Chris was successfully controlling her, without her even knowing it.

His plan was working flawlessly right now, but there had to be a way out. Scarlett had overcome so much in her life, and this was no different. She was preparing for the fight of life, and was determined to be the victor.

Would Jericho win or would Scarlett beat him at his own game?

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