38 - Closing Rhyme

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051217, FRIDAY, 21:21

Closing Rhyme

And now here I come in this closing rhyme,
I kind of shed off a lot without losing a dime,
But, I did, somehow, give more than that through my time,
Still, I kind of enjoyed it especially while drinking some lime!

In writing this first compilation I had ever done,
I sure have learned a lot under the sun,
Solomon may say that meaningless is the man,
But at least we had done something for Him and for fun!

Extreme emotions may sometimes be good but often bad,
I have learned it the hard way, it still makes me kind of sad,
But we can do nothing more winning than to chew the cud,
Digest what happened, move on, accept and be a good lad!

Through this poetic finery I got from my experience factory,
I thank you G for being with me all along the way,
Through the good, the bad, the neutral and my super dark day,
Your grace has made me stronger and aided me quite sufficiently!

Along the way I may have been hurt and hurt some people,
I cannot say how many, 'tis quite a number, a couple,
No rationale can justify and make it less nor triple,
But, at least, I learned and I stand up to make the experiences edible!

'Tis not a man's fall that determines his life and meaning,
Nor a simple mistake nor superb success can make it beaming,
One thing I learned which is more important that can make it shining,
Is when you anchor your life with Him, enjoy His precepts and leading!

And so that is my declaration and battle of every day,
To have my life to Him I fully offer and lay,
Living in this world may be tiring and grey,
But through Him, and these little rhymes, I can surely feel gay!

21:39, FRIDAY, 051217

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