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how can he stand the pain? I wondered,We sat there for hours talking,He told me so much that I never knew,"andy?"


"Do me?.."

"Are you kidding?,Warren of course I love you!." I said and he smiled,He put his hand on my head and said "Please promise me we'll stay friends after this.."

"I promise...Just don't cut again,Please."

"I....I swear."

"Warren do you promise?."

"If I made a promise they always break,And If I made this promise I'm afraid the promise will break."


"Andrew, I'm sorry but I can't make any promises." He said.



it had been a week without me cutting,Andrew was proud yet I was about to burst into tears,The memories kept coming.I could'nt get them to stop,I tried my hardest but it wasn't working,It was almost 12:39 am and Andrew was in bed alseep,I was on my bed trying my hardest to get the memories to go away,But I couldn't.I looked at the clock and then got out of bed,And slowly walked to my door and opened it,I creeped into Andrew's room to make sure he was alseep and then went into the kitchen and went to the silverwear drewer.I opened the drewer slowly and picked up a knife,I held it up and ran it across my arm.


I woke up with a sore throat and needed a drink,I looked at the clock and it was 12:43 am.I stood up and yawned,I went to my door and opened it and went down the hall and into the kitchen,odd,I don't remember leaving the light on. I thought and walked closer to the fidge.Everything was a little bit blury but I knew what I had saw that momment.Warren was sitting in the floor with a knife and blood draining from his arm."Warren No!" I screamed and fell to the floor grabbed the knife and threw it into the sink."they're gone....Andrew They're gone.."

"Warren,What the...Why!?"

"I Needed the memories gone so I got rid of them!." he said  with a laugh.

"Warren please Don't do this ever Do that again and I mean it!,Warren I don't wan't to lose you,If you cut to deep it-it could kill you!."

"Andrew calm down!"

"No Warren I will not calm down!,I love you and never want to see you do this again!." I said and he looked deep into my eyes,"Andrew,calm down please..." He said and put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me slowly thords him and kissed me,My eyes widdened,I soon started kissing him back,He had soft and warm lips.So plush and they tasted like cherry's..Warren slowly leaned back.


"shhh.." He shh'd me and put his finger on my lips.

"Everything is going to be okay from now on..." he said and I wondered what he meant..

"What do you mean?."

"Andrew....Will you be my Boyfriend?."

"uh..........." I said,I never thought Warren would ask that,I mean I love him after all but Still..I gave it some thought.

"Yes,Warren Yes I will..." I said and kissed his forhead.

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