Chapter 53-Dannon

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I was trying to sleep but the constant noise and sudden flash of lights isn't helping me and for some reason I feel my body moving. Don't they seriously know not to disturb a sleeping person? I opened my eyes with a glare and to give, it was whoever that was disturbing my sleep, a piece of my mind. But I had to shut it immediately because of the flash, Bloody hell! Is that lightning? Was it raining outside. No, it's not. Wait a secong the flash was different than lightning too. Does it mean...........? No way! I opened my carefully again and my ears worked clearly too telling me that I was indeed thingking right.

This had to be one of my worst nightnmares. There is media all around me taking pictures and firing questions. That is not the best thing here, note my sarcasm if you missed it. The best thing is that I am being carried by Gouenji, in princess style to be precise, our gang followed close by and let us not forget about the questions they are firing. Some are even asking if it was becasue I was ill that I was absent from the company for a month.

I am not sure about the employees of Shuuya Inc. but media definitely attends daily to know that I was absent for a month and Gouenji carryi g me bridal style makes them think I am ill and let us not forget , my last media meeting where I was ill, or was supposed to be. Media doesn't stay put when in fact there is nothing and creates a huge issue and now that there is really something, in fact nothing is there but still this is something and for media who magnify things on the scale of an elcetron microscope this is a big scoop, at least for them. Let us not ignore the fact that they are referring me as Gouenji's fiancee. Yay me!

"You should have woke me up." I said grumbling under my breathe.

"And miss carrying you in my arms? No way. I like you in my arms and I will utilise any chance I have to have you safe in my arms." I am hearing things right? He did not say what I thought he said. But still I feel happy with his words somehow. Is it normal? I like being in his arms more than anything. What does it mean to him, me being in his arms? First of all what does it mean to me. Why is my heart beating fast? Am I scared of him? Or is it because I am just nervous of my personal space being interrupted by a male.

"Now the media will definitely make a big fuss about it." I grumbled again since that is the first issue. I swear I will sit down and organize my thoughts the first chance I get. I mean it's not something that I can decide easily. I have to note down all the things that happened till date and think over things and also my feelings.

He mumbled something like 'All the more better'. But I am sure I heard wrong or else why would he want the media to see me in his arms? What will he benefit from that? Nothing! If anything it consolidates Gouenji's previous statement of me being his fiancee and I don't think there is anything beneficiary in it to him.

"Will you let me walk now?"

"No, I like you here."

I smiled sarcastically. "I know but I love to walk rather than being carried like a baby." Lies! If I could I will stay like this forever. I shouldn't postpone any further and confuse myself. I should quickly sit down and settle my thoughts and the reason for my irrational feelings. Gouenji never replied nor did he let me down so I stayed still as much as possible or else if the meida knows I am conscious they will fire question at me. That would be disastrous.

We soon reached another car and although the walk I am sure doesn't last longer than 5 minutes felt like hours to me. Gouenji's proximity is doing things which are beyond comprehension to me. I feel like I know what and why I am feeling this way but at the same I don't. What is this? Am I not feeling well? Am I coming down with something? This feeling is very familiar but foreign at the same time. It is a sweet yet bitter feeling. Confusing right? It's very difficult to eplain.

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