Chapter 51 -Cornered

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I miss them very much. It's been a month today that I left them and staying away is even more difficult than I thought. I thought I could do it for them but everyday feels void, as if a piece of me is missing. Sometimes I just want to shut off everything and just go back to them. Sometimes I just don't want to care whatever danger that might reach them because of me and be happy with them. I miss Dannon. I wonder what my little munchkin is doing? Did he miss me?

I miss Gouenji very much, I find myself thinking every minute about him. I wonder if he is being well, if he is eating well and taking good care of his health. Is the company well? I am sure it is but what about Gouenji. If he gets involved in work he will forget about everything and doesn't take care of his health. At the company I was there to remind him to eat and sleep but what about now? Have they found some replacement employee? Someone to replace me?

Is there some girl in my position to care of him in my place? Someone close to him in my place? When I think about that my heart aches very much. I feel jealous of that unknown girl. I really don't want that to happen. I want to be the only one close to Gouenji. I don't want him to show the smirk he throws at me to any other girl or the rare genuine smiles he shows me only. This thinking of mine really baffles me. It's already been a month. May be he forgot about me already. He said it's not over between us but there was nothing between us to begin with.

I don't want to share him. But there will be a girl who can melt the ice cold heart of Gouenji. He will show her all of his expressions. He will care for her and love her, worry about her and feel possessive about her. He will hug her, kiss her may be even more. I can't digest this. When I think about it I feel queasy and there's this sharp pain in my heart. What is this? Why am I feeling as such? Gouenji is not mine so he can do as he wishes right? Then why don't I like that? What is the deal with me?

Even now I feel as if he is standing at the entrance of the cafe. His green eyes piercing me making a shiver run my whole body. His eyes shining with emotions, his face that of a concerned one looking at me with longing. Surely I am imagining things. My eyes went to his lips which kissed me the last time I was in hospital. They taste the best and even top my favorite vanilla milkshake in my hands. I think I am being weird. Who in their right mind would think about the taste of a kiss? None right? Only me! The great me! Sorry milkshake. I didn't do complete justice to you today. I will come back and savor you again.

With that thought I stood up to leave the cafe but before I could take three steps from the table I noticed G and Lillian. Fidio and Kidou is also here? That means Gouenji at the entrance is not my hallucination? Who am I kidding? Hallucinations doesn't happen in real life! It happens only in movies and books! I was too much busy in pitying myself that I failed to notice a simple fact. Knowing that he is in fact here I want nothing more than to run into his arms. But there are two problems here. One he would definitely look at me weirdly if I run to him and the following scene would be awkward and number two I have to stay away from all of them. It's for their own safety.

While I was busy pondering on what to do I was flanked on both side by G and Lillian. I decided by now, I am going to make my famous 'ignore' move. Generally I use it when I am mad at someone but the situation now calls for desperate measures. This is for their own safety.

"Destiny!" They both shouted attracted a lot of attention to us. These guys never change. I schooled my expression carefully to a blank and confused one.

"We missed you so much." They shouted covering me in kisses and others in the cafe looked at us weirdly. I don't blame them. If someone else was in my position I would look in the same way too! They are being too much. Luckily my shoulder healed completely or else by the weight they are putting on me it would pain a lot. I am a healthy being and heal very fast. No big secret except I eat a lot and my dad being a doctor I was fed very healthy things right from my childhood and my immunity is a lot good too.

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