"What're you doing here?" She asked trying to be as friendly as she could.

"I called you twice, Kate. I probably texted you about five times to call me." Tom replied, a little annoyed.

"I was at a crime scene." Kate responded defensively, crossing her arms and taking a step forward.

"And you couldn't have taken ten seconds out of your day to answer the phone?"

"I was at a crime scene." She said exaggerating the words crime and scene.

"It wouldn't have taken that long."

"Was it important?" She questioned.

"It was to me."

"Couldn't it have waited?"

"It was important."

"To you..."


"You know what, I'm sorry. What was it about?" She asked uncrossing her arms and taking a step back. Giving both of them more space.

"I got us dinner reservations at Le Cirque."

"I'm working a case."

"I know but maybe let the boys take over for the night. I know we haven't had much time to really connect with each other and I really want this. Could-could you just think about it?" Demming asked with hope in his tone and sparkling in his eyes.

"I'll think about it. But-now I have to get back to work."

"Totally fine, just wanted you to consider it. Bye!" He said kissing her cheek. Kate was surprised when he did so and looked around to see if anyone noticed. She then locked eyes with Castle. Had he been listening?

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked, turning around to fully face him.

"I-uh-not that long," he swallowed as Kate narrowed her gaze at him, "just-you know...the whole time..."

"Castle!" She said with some irritation. But who was she kidding. She couldn't stay irritated with him the minute he made that puppy dog face at her, "let's get to work." She said with an even tone. Flashing him one of her smiles.


As the night began to come down they had made decent ground on their case. Beckett believe it or not was leaning toward going on this date with Demming. She wasn't happy leaving work when there were still things that could be done but she had faith in the boys to handle it.

"Ready to go home Castle?" She asked turning off her computer. She turned to him expecting a smile but was met with a frown, "what's wrong?"

"I thought we were having fun?" He asked.

"Fun? You were watching me work on my computer. Plus we both deserve a break. So let's go home and relax." She tried to bring up his spirit but it was clear that he was upset about something. Could he be upset about her date with Demming? Nah. She shook that thought from her head as he began to speak.

"I guess. Well, good night." Castle then stood up and began to walk away, leaving Kate dumbfounded.

"Castle!" She called. He turned around slightly but didn't meet her eyes.


"No 'farewell' no 'I bid you adoo' no-"

"Not tonight..."

"Oh, well, good night then." She frowned as he turned away and continued to the elevator. She felt her stomach sink as she saw him walk away. Did she do something? Was he mad at her? What if something happened tonight and she would never get to see him again. She couldn't bear them ending on a note like this. She knew she was catastrophizing things, but in that moment she didn't care. What mattered was him. She hurried and grabbed her coat and bag and ran down the stairs. If she was going to catch him she needed to hurry. She made it down to the parking garage and saw him, he was getting into his car. She decided to go with her gut and yell his name. It wasn't like her, but this man could make her do things she never thought.

Caskett: Never Ending LoveWhere stories live. Discover now