If You Plant It, They Will Come Pt.1

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The first week of university had been fine, really. Her classes were going smoothly. She liked all of her professors at the moment, though it was only the first week and as far as she knew something would show that she didn't like eventually. Her roommate wasn't a complete douche either. They shared some similar habits so she did her best to over look everything else.

Koizumi Nana was a very studious young woman who was going for the very serious profession of teaching. She was also looking to get a technical degree to work with computers. Things were running smoothly- too smoothly maybe- and she was enjoying the peace and purpose of her campus life, all the while ignoring the things around her. She knew all too well of the distractions that came with universities and dorms and major flaunting, hormone-ridden students. Nana would not be caught up like that.

"It's a declaration!" she exclaimed, standing from her seat at the desk and startling her roommate.

"Nana~ Don't do that! I almost messed up my toes!" Honoka carefully wiped the stray toenail polish from her toe. "The sooner I get this done the faster it will dry before my date tonight."

"It won't dry faster just because you get it done fast," Nana replied.

Honoka rolled her eyes. She was probably the most beautiful person Nana had ever seen face-to-face. Her complexion was fair, her hair long and currently wavy. She was tall, over the average height for a woman, for which Nana almost envied her. Honoka shared the passion for her studies that Nana did but she was willing to spare some time for the men on campus and the occasional adventure.

Nana, on the other hand, stood right at five feet. Her skin was a light shade of caramel and her hair was very thick so she kept it cut to her shoulders, both testaments of her mixed heritage. The only redeeming qualities she thought fondly of was her perfect proportions and the gift of bad eye sight so she could hide behind her glasses. Nana sat back down with a sigh. "Who are you entertaining tonight instead of your textbooks?"

"Don't say it like that, it's just a date, nothing serious. This is your first year here so you probably won't know him but he's pretty well known around campus. The women will say one thing but the men will say something totally different. He doesn't have a very good reputation either way."

Nana's eyes scanned over the page of her humanities textbook as she listened. "I didn't think you were into the bad boy types."

Honoka snorted as she closed up her nail polish bottle. "I'm not, but we have a class together and he bothered to approach me so I agreed to go out with him. Like I said, it's just a date. I'm not interested in anything more. Besides, I'd like to have at least one bad boy under my belt."

Nana rolled her eyes. "Well, tell me more," she said, as she turned back to her assignment. "Name, notable features, something."

Honoka beamed. "Are you interested, Nana-chan?"

"As if I would be, but just because you're dating him doesn't mean I want to get involved with a bad influence. I also hope you don't let things get out of hand."

"I'll keep my wits about me."


On top of her morning classes she had an evening and night class as well for her sciences. She felt more productive early in the morning and during the later hours of the day. In both classes there was this guy that she couldn't help gravitating towards. His hair was dyed blonde but his naturally black roots had grown out. Nana wondered if he wanted it that way or if he was just too lazy to dye it again.

She sat beside him only out of need for a seat at first but she didn't like the way others were with him when he was paired with others. He kept to himself and didn't speak much so it was obvious he wouldn't work very well someone pushy and loud. Everyone seemed to be exactly that with him so she took it upon herself to sit with him every chance she got. He didn't seem to mind so she kept doing it. If she were honest with herself though he was kind of a crutch.

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