"Ra!" An ember attack shot out in front of us as Torracat launched forward, turning back towards us a moment later with a murkrow in his jaws, its wing obviously broken now.

"Put it down." Jay ordered immediately. "I've told you before, no eating bird pokémon."

"Mur..." The dark type squawked in pain and dislike as Jay's pokémon dropped it onto the ground.

I shook my head at Torracat's work before pulling out a spare berry I had in my bad. "Here, this'll help you feel better."

"Krow..." The wild murkrow ate it happily before getting to its feet and walking off with its black feathers ruffled up unhappily.

I would've like to check its wing better but wild pokémon got hurt all the time, I was sure it would heal. However, I still glared at Torracat- who was now giving Soren a superior look- before speaking to Jay. "You know, if he doesn't stay in his ball you could always put him on a leash."

"He's a cat, what do you expect?" Jay shrugged it off but did keep a closer eye on him as we started walking again.

Most of the graves seemed to be unmarked other than the sunken ground and those with stones were weathered beyond ledger, some to the point where they looked like a tap would cause the stone to crumble. I was getting disappointed though the longer we stayed. The vibe was pretty creepy but nothing scary was actually going on and most of the pokémon were hiding from us or just watching us walk by as they went about their daily life.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and glanced back at Soren. "What is it?"

"What was what?" He looked away from Torracat and at me in confusion.

"You aren't scaring me." I responded.

He moved away, closer to Jay. "I didn't do anything. Jay, back me up here."

"I didn't see him do anything." Jay spoke up before shrugging. "But I wasn't really watching what he was doing."

"Oh, wow, thanks." Soren muttered sarcastically.

I was about to speak again when the tap came again, obviously not one of them because I could see what they were doing. I quickly spun around to see empty air again, the hair on my arms and the back of my neck starting to stand on end. For a moment nothing was there and I was about to turn back, probably blame Soren for trying to scare me again so I could cover up how unsettled I was, and go sit to wait for the ferry. However, just before I could a ghastly hand appeared followed by a sarcophagus looking pokémon: a cofagrigus.

"Cof!" It seemed amused by our expressions as it backed off slightly before motioning challengingly at us.

"It wants to battle." Jay stated the obvious.

"Well that's not a problem." Soren started to pull out a pokéball but I shoved him to the side.

"It was asking me. Otherwise it would've messed with you guys." I motioned to Pikachu to take his place for battle. "Use electro ball!"

This would let me test its speed, though I hoped Pikachu didn't out speed the wild pokémon too much, I was planning to catch it, not knock it out. Too late to switch moves now though. Pikachu's attack slammed into cofagrigus' face but he was quickly thrown onto the ground by a shadow ball... I got the feeling cofagrigus had let my pokémon land the attack.

"Pikachu, get close with quick attack then thundershock it." I might not be able to hit a ghost type with the normal type move but that didn't mean I couldn't use the move to hurt it in another way.

The wild pokémon seemed surprised at my tactic and the jolt of electricity went through it. I expected another attack to come soon after but electricity jolted through cofagrigus as it made a move to create another shadow ball. I smiled, it was paralyzed, perfect. I took out a pokéball but held it in my hand... I wanted one more attack first just to be sure.

"Use another electro ball!" Pikachu jumped up before I even finished saying the move and hurled a ball of electricity at the ghost type, causing it to crash to the ground.

I tossed the empty ball at the cofagrigus and waited as it rolled a few times, finally stopping and clicking. I congratulated Pikachu for his work with a scratch behind his ear before picking up the ball. "Great job Pikachu. See guys? I got it!"

"Nice." Jay said, seeming happy that I caught a new pokémon but not caring she didn't get to battle.

"Don't steal my sayings." Soren huffed in false annoyance before looking back at me. "That's great."

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked suddenly, realizing we hadn't been keeping track as we wandered around.

Jay dug out her phone before checking. "Um, almost noon... not that you can tell here."

"Crap!" I started running. "Come on, the ferry leaves in ten minutes!"

I knew I should've set my alarm on my watch... well at least none of us had unpacked. All we had to do was get to the other port before the ferry left. We didn't stop running until the dock came into sight, though even then we kept up a brisk pace. After handing over the tickets and getting on board I leaned against the railing and caught my breath while the other two did the same beside me. We'd made it... good. All we had to do was relax and wait to get to Iron Well.   

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