Chapter 2

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The rest of the day everything was normal. Well, as normal as my life could be. Got my work done at school, went out at got dinner, and came home. Just like every other day. My sister was with her boyfriend in her room. Just like every other day. My dad was gone God knows where. And my mom was still missing. Just like every other day.

I sit on the couch with my hot wings and try not to think. Tried not to think about anything. Taking a bite out of my hot wings, I found it was difficult not to think when all I can do is think. Nothing progressive. Nothing that will bring my mom home. Nothing that will get my dad so stay with as for a full 10 minutes. Nothing that will get my sister to realize the only thing her boyfriend cares about is what he can get out of her. Nothing at all.

I stand up so fast it startled my dog, Chicken. I guess we picked a good name for him. Chicken looks at me with his big eyes like I was going to give him some food. I glance at my hot wings. It's not like I was actually going to finish eating them. So I tear off the meat from the four wings left and gave them to Chicken. He tore into it so fast, I don't even think he tasted it. Go cannibalism!

Next thing I know is was running up the stairs, like I'm just acting without really realizing what I'm doing. Running up these stairs has just become second nature. Like everything else in my life; one big routine. At least one thing can be different I think to myself as I sit at my desk, pulling out the notebook from my bag. Time to see what Ash is up to.

"Ugh can't I just lay down and die yet? Would make everything a lot better." I say to know one in particular in the middle of class. No one really seems to notice. Go figure.

"Okay class," Mr. Flam says, my phycology teacher. "Time to pass up your essays on who you are! This should be easy points." Everyone passes up their papers and I just sit still. Crap, never finished it last night. But instead of explaining everything to Mr. Flam like a normal person would do, I just sat there. Great, another missing assignment. I know I'm smart. I know I can do the things teachers ask out of me. I just don't know how to get the will to do it. Like I always say, I'm a Procrastinator.

After class I go up to Flam, "Hi, uh, Mr. Flam. I never turned in my 'Who Am I' essay," I say with hesitation in my voice. Hopefully he doesn't say what I think he will say.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Gill, It's over due." He said it, dang.

"I know that, but here's the thing. I don't know who I am. How can I write an essay on something I haven't been taught?"

"If you're here to ask me to teach you who you are, I can't do that. Only you can discover that on you own."

"Well, can you at least take a look at what I have so far?" I ask him.

Flam rolls his eyes, "fine, hand it here." I hand him my notebook and wait with anticipation bubbling in my chest. What will he think? Was I too sarcastic? Is it too short? I can't handle this kind of pressure. Mr. Flam sets the paper down, finally. "This is great, Ashley. It may be extremely short and not really cover the topic of the essay completely, but it gives the reader suspense. Almost like the people who choose to wait with you are the only people who get to see your true self. Unfortunately, I still cannot take this."

My heart drops to my toes, "but, you just said it was good."

"Yes, the writing is very creative. But sadly, its still late. And it doesn't even meet most of the criteria. The most I could have given you is a D if you would of passed your paper up."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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