"Because," Ronni groaned, "you heard Mrs Shepard. This next shoot has to be sexy! I'm fifteen! I don't know how to be sexy!" Ronni complained. Hailee held her hands up and shrugged.

"Why do you want to be sexy so bad? It's just a shoot," Hailee asked. Ronni laid back on her bed between her friends and sighed.

"Because! I haven't won a challenge since I got here and I sensed that she is getting frustrated with me. I just want to do well. Please guys, help me," Ronni basically begged. Hailee shook her head as Sophie nodded.

"I can't help you. I'm still a virgin," Hailee said. Ronni tried to contain her shock with a cough and looked over to see Sophie with a smirk.

"I can help you. I have a friend who only does casual sex. He wants sex and you need practice. It's perfect. I can provided the boy but," Sophie looked over to Hailee, "you have to supply the condom. I don't trust him to not use a broken one, and I know your brother has a huge stash in his bathroom," Sophie said. Hailee flipped her long brown hair with a shrugged and agreed.

"Okay. I'm down. I even know about this huge party going on this weekend. We can set you up there," Hailee suggested. Ronni beamed with excitement. She was getting nervous, but stoked at the same time. That party would be her gateway into the world of consensual sex. With consensual sex, comes great responsibility and/or consequences. Consequences most fifteen year olds can't handle. Sometimes the consequences are even to hard for adults to handle.

11:45 AM

"Im sorry, you're what?" Lin freaked. Karen shushed him as she paced back and forth in her living room. "Karen what do you mean?" Lin yelled. Karen shushed him again and placed her hands on her hips.

"Can you please shut up," Karen whispered, "I'm trying to think," she said.

"Think? Think about what? You're pregnant and you don't know if it's mine or Jimmy's!" Lin barked. Karen slapped her hand over his mouth and looked back to make sure her kids didn't hear.

"I said I think. I'm not 100 percent sure if I am or not," Karen replied. Lin shook his head and threw himself on her couch.

"Aye¡ No. We didn't sleep together, this is not happening," Lin tried to reassure himself. But, Karen shook her head.

"I was not a drunk as you were and remember it completely. We had sex and it was unprotected. I might actually be pregnant," Karen said. Lin shook his head rapidly and folded one arm over the other.

"No," he whined. "We-I- no! What about Pippa and the baby I already have on the way?" Lin asked rhetorically. Karen folded her arms and smirked.

"Should have thought about them before you possibly got me pregnant. Good luck," Karen replied. She left the room and gave Lin the opportunity to leave on his own. Instead of heading to his house he went straight to the Alibi Room. His home away from home. Oh the days when that used to be the theater.

12:22 PM

Jasmine and Ant sat in their living room of their apartment. Jasmine was thirty six weeks pregnant and ready not to be. Any was a great help most of the time, but some times Jasmine wanted to be left alone. This was one of those times. As Ant poked and prodded at Jasmine's huge bump, Jasmine became more annoyed. "Hey, can you not do that. She's already hyper," Jasmine asked as nicely as she could.

"Oh come on. I'm just playing with her. Madalynn likes it," Ant justified. With a groan, Jasmine plucked his hand away and placed her hands over her stomach.

"Well, mommy doesn't. Stop touching me or talking. She is hyper enough and she kicks the mess out ribs as it is. I'm going to take a nap and I expect for you not to follow," Jasmine said. She pushed her self off the couch and headed to the bedroom.

12:43 PM

Over twenty minutes had past when Ant heard snuggles come from the back room. He paused his show and sprinted to see Jasmine curled up in a ball on the bed. She was trying to rock herself to lull the baby to sleep but it wasn't working. She was tired and in pain, all she wanted was for her daughter to stop moving. Just for a little while. "You wanna try it," Ant asked. Jasmine shook her head and snaked her arms under her bump.

"It's stupid and it's not going to work," Jasmine complained. Ant chuckled and took off his shirt.

"We won't know until we try," he whispered as he slid into the bed. Anthony hovered over his girlfriend and got her to lie on her back. Then, he slid his body between her legs and got on his knees. He pecked her lips and started to move them back and forth as if they were having sex. He read that the rocking motion in sex lulls the baby to sleep. So, he figured if the pretend to have sex, it will have the same effect. And he was right. After less than five minutes of rocking he was able to get both mommy and baby to sleep. Therefore he decided to make it a group effort and take a nap next to her. Just in case she need him to put the baby back to sleep. Or so he said.

3:58 PM

Phoebe stared at the clock in her office. She could clock out in two minutes if she wasn't needed in the ER or OR. She had been at the hospital since five o'clock yesterday afternoon and missed her baby boy. Anxiously, Phoebe watched the clock strike 3:59, but 4 couldn't come soon enough. As soon as she got the chance she grabbed her stuff and sprinted to her car. She got in and drove for about twenty minutes before, for some reason, there was a blackout. But, the blackout only seemed to happen for Phoebe. And what was weird about the blackout is that weirdly she could hear it feel anything either. Strange.

Hello people! How have you guys been?? I missed you! Thank you to all the people who have sent me ideas! I love them and will try to incorporate them. THANKS FOR 6K you guys are amazing. Oh and don't forget to be beautiful! ily💘 Comment.Like.Follow💕

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