She Is Leaving With Me

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"Please, win, Lucca. Protect Nessa." Yunan murmured to himself. He did not want Nessa with Sinbad. A dark evil seemed to be residing within that man and Yunan did not want his only family to meet a gruesome end.

Nessa didn't want either of the men she loved to get hurt, but she worried for Sinbad. She remembered that Hoopa's power was great and mysterious. It had been a fierce battle between Lucca and the djinn before she acknowledged him as her king. She claimed she wanted to see if Lucca would use her power for selfish reasons; therefore, she had her dungeon creatures attack Nessa. Lucca defended her and even got badly injured in the battle, but Hoopa realized just how far Lucca would go for Nessa and ended the trial.

"Please be okay," Nessa prayed as she watched Lucca land a blow to Sinbad.


Sinbad grunted in pain as one of Lucca's arms appeared behind him to deliver a bone-crushing punch to his back. This kid was good, but Sinbad knew he was better. Both men were battered and wounded, but they continued to fight. Nessa's life and heart were on the line.

"You're not bad, Kid," Sinbad snickered.

"Right back at you, Old Man." Lucca sneered. Sinbad's blood boiled. He hated being called old.


Lucca's body went flying into a nearby cliff with Sinbad preparing to strike once more. Lightning gathered around Sinabd as he prepared the finishing blow.

"Stop it!"

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Stop it!"

Sinbad stilled as Nessa's voice reached his ears. The look of terror on her face pained him. He didn't want her to be afraid of him. Abandoning his enemy, Sinbad landed before Nessa and Yunan. Much to Yunan's displeasure, Nessa darted from his side and into Sinbad's embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. Sinbad was frozen in place from shock.

"I'll go with you. Just please stop fighting." she cried. As his djinn equip vanished, Sinbad's arms wrapped around Nessa.

"I'm sorry, My Beauty," he murmured nuzzling the top of her head. Nessa snuggled closer and allowed Sinbad to pick her up bridal style.

"We will be returning to the palace." Sinbad started walking back toward town.

"This isn't over, Sinbad!" Lucca roared shaking with rage.

"Please you must rest!" Yunan insisted supported the injured man.

"Nessa, don't go with him! He doesn't love you. I love you!" Lucca shouted as Sinbad took Nessa away.


Sinbad slammed the door to his chamber shut with such force that Nessa yelped in surprise. He suddenly pinned her against that very door. Her wrists were captured in his hands and pinned above her. Anger blazed in his eyes as Sinbad slammed his lips against hers.

"S-S-Sinbad?!" she squeaked surprised at his sudden assault. He ignored her and continued to ravish her neck with kisses and love bites. Nessa struggled at first in fear, but Sinbad simply persisted. She had never seen him like angry and almost out of control. He risked the lives of some of his people when he decided to battle Lucca. This was not like the normal somewhat level-headed Sinbad she knew.

"Why did you go to him?" he snarled burying his face in the crook of her neck. He felt her racing pulse and shaking body. Why would she leave him for the Jeweler? Was her heart, not his?

"I wanted to gather my things and explain why I was leaving." Nessa whimpered before yelping in pain as Sinbad's grip on her wrists tightened.

"You shouldn't have gone near him! YOU ARE MINE!"



Nessa fell to the floor screaming and holding her broken wrist. The haze in Sinbad's mind began to clear as he realized what he had done.

"Nessa! I'm so sorry!" Sinbad apologized cradling her body in his arms, "I didn't mean to...I...just...please don't go to the Jeweler again. You are mine and I love you."






"It appears she simply passed out due to pain. Her wrists are broken but nothing else seems to be wrong," Yamraiha explained after checking with the other healers at Nessa's bedside.

"Good, I was worried," Sinbad confessed. Nessa lay on his bed out cold while the healers tried to fix her wrist.

"If I may ask, what happened?"

"She fell,"


"I would appreciate it if you would all leave," Sinbad commanded. Yamraiha and the others quickly left. Sinbad glanced at Nessa's still figure resting beneath his silken bed sheets. Her wrists were bandaged and her skin pale. Undressing, Sinbad joined his lover. He pulled her closer and whispered softly:

"You are mine, Beauty. No man may gaze upon your beauty but me. No man may touch you unless it's me. That boy will never have you."

The Beast's Beauty (Yandere!SinbadxOC) ON HOLDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz