Family- Jai Brooks Imagine

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You and your husband Jai for three years are getting ready to have your first baby together. Tomorrow was the day you two are finally finding out the sex of your baby, while you were talking to James and Luke about how excited they will be to become uncles and how will they help with the baby when beau and Daniel came in with a baby bassinet. "Beau: hey y/n me and Daniel went to get the baby this you can also change the color to blue or pink, y/n: awww thank you boys that's really lovely, Luke: where jai at?, Ronnie: oh he's pacing back and forth in the kitchen, is the lil one up?, James: no Ronnie I wanted to feel him/her kick but nooo the baby is only awake when jai is near y/n, Daniel: fuck, shit, sorry y/n I forgot, y/n it's fine Daniel, beau help me up please, beau: why do you always have to sit on the floor when you already know you can't get up that quick, Ronnie: just hurry up and help her beau". Once beau helped you up you went into the kitchen seeing jai pacing back in forth, you walked up to him and put your arms around his waist. "Y/n: babe what's wrong, jai: I'm just a bit nervous still love what if I'm not a good dad?, y/n: jai babe you'll be a wonderful dad, your son or daughter will love you so much so don't be nervous come on let's go to bed we have a big day tomorrow, jai: thank you babe you know just what to say that's why I love you so much, I'm glad were having a baby together". You two kissed and headed off to bed making the others go to bed as well since you all were going to find out together. When you woke you found jai and the boys sitting on the floor waiting for you, you shook your head and laugh at how excited they were, you went into the bathroom to get ready. While you all piled into the car you felt jai getting nervous again so you grabbed his hand making him feel better. When you were called all the boys and you got up and headed to the room, while you all were waiting for the doctor to come in you look at the boys and seeing Luke and beau with watery eyes. "Dr. Reid: morning Mr. and Mrs. brooks are we all ready to find out the sex of your little one here?, Jai: yes, yes we are we can't wait, Dr. Reid: well let's get started, alright if you all look on the screen there's the little brooks, okay y/n and jai you two are having a baby girl congratulations you two".

You were so happy you just held your stomach cradling your baby, you looked up to jai who was crying and he looked down at you and smiled you two kissed when you pulled apart you heard a bunch of sniffles & running noses, you two turn around to see Luke, beau, James, Daniel and Ronnie crying you all went into a big group hug.

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