10 。memories pt1: manners

Start from the beginning

„My name is Jeon Jungkook." He announced politely, waiting for the boy to answer. He did not. Instead he ignored and watched his parents talk, fully aware he was being spoken to. „Jeon Jungkook," he repeated, beginning to feel angry when the boy refused to even look at him. So he did the only rational thing his mind could think of as a solution. He snatched up the fork from Yugyeom's hand and slammed the four separated spikes deep into the surface of the table.

Silence fell over the room, shocked eyes turning to stare at the boy who looked up at his mother in fright. „I didn't -" his words got caught in his throat as a sob made it's way up first. He tugged his knees to his chest and began to cry into them as the silence around him stayed. At first, nobody dared move, all fixed on the utensil dug deep into the wooden tabletop. Then Yugyeom turned to look at him sobbing shamefully into his body, shoulders trembling with each new wave of cries.

„Jeon Jungkook." He spoke up tenderly, repeating the name like he had heard it, shuffling around so he faced him. Then he leant in, wrapping nimble fingers around the pale wrist that held a hand to Jungkook's mouth. He pulled it away, and brought Jungkook into a soft hug, a hug that immediately began to soften his distraught outburst. „Kookie?" Yugyeom suggested with a gentle smile, using the corners of his sleeves to wipe away the tears that slipped down the boy's cheeks.

„Jungkook, please remove the cutlery from the table." Shiwoo spoke calmly, ignoring the worried glance given by his wife. Jungkook turned to his father, finishing off what Yugyeom had started, stiffening himself as he leaned over and tugged at the handle of the fork until it jolted him backwards and was removed from the hard surface. He stayed in his seat, fiddling with it in silence, head lowered ashamedly.


„Silence, please." Sohyeon followed her husband's request, sitting back and watching her son warily. „Son." Jungkook looked up, chewing his cherry coloured lip and trying not to cry again. „Why are you angry?" It was a calm question, that helped soothe the boy's anxiety. Turning to look at Yugyeom sitting by his side, he spoke slowly,

„Yugum was ignoring me." Mrs Kim smiled at the pronunciation of her son's name. „I don't know why..." he feebly placed the fork back on the table, swinging his legs over the chair and slipping off. Without asking for permission to leave the table he ran off, the distant sound of a door slamming just being heard.

„Shiwoo, you need to be gentle with him."

„He could have hurt someone." Yugyeom watched the two argue, then turned to where the boy had run off to. He looked back towards his parents who also seemed concerned for the married couple of seven years now heatedly arguing about whether or not their son deserved mercy.

„You may leave, Yugyeom." Nodding slowly, without a word, he followed Jungkook's actions, walking lightly down the corridor and stopping at the door he'd seen shut so aggressively.

„Kookie?" He called out, knocking twice, he heard rustling and muffled sobs. Then he stepped back as the door opened, revealing the boy wrapped up in a fluffy pink blanket, clutching his stuffed bunny tight.

„Yes?" He whispered, hiding behind the bunny as if pretending it were talking and not him.

„Are you sad?" Jungkook nodded, turning around and waddling over to his bed. Yugyeom followed, looking up at the walls to see a range of drawings. Most of them consisted of the colour red. More specifically blood. The pictures looked like they had been ripped down multiples times, but also looked to be carefully taped up. A fight had come from them being there. „What are they?" He asked, looking closely at one in particular. It was of a boy who wore similar clothes to the one now watching cautiously from beneath his blanket, eyes alert and frightened. Will he yell like they did?

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