1 。curiosity killed the cat

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Nothing stopped Kim Taehyung from exploring the world that slowly died beneath his feet. The harsh effects of humanity crumbling every bit of beauty to its dying state. Others believed each new invention of technology was contrived to help the world. But really, it was another excuse to take from Mother Nature. She'd get her revenge, any logical mind would know this. Punishment follows actions; that was what the world had come to, it was full of greed and hate. Nobody seemed to care that God frowned upon their species in shameful distaste.

Euphoria would spread through Taehyung's weighed down, aching muscles as he'd climb daunting cliffs, swim ice cold rivers, even skydive from a plane at one time from the other many adventures he'd spent years on. He would describe every little detail, from the views he saw in full detail, to the sounds of white noise. All to enhance a feeling buried deep inside of him; a longing to be away from a place so constructed and hollow. Every memory he made on these adventures was like a step up from the last, and a step up from his despairing childhood.

There was this broken feeling he felt each year he'd return to his hometown to visit his parents. Every bit of shame he felt because of their disappointment, their outrage. Because he did not go on the path they chose for him, he did not succeed the way they wanted. Success was not what he desired, freedom was. Oh how he'd give anything to be able to simply fly away from this world and just be a free-spirit. If everything was perfect, then maybe he wouldn't feel this way. But nothing was ever be perfect. For perfection just led to misery, yet to be imperfect made you feel misery. So it was an endless cycle of boggled confusion.

Taehyung spent weeks in empty canyons, would sail for days to reach reserved islands, even climb cliffs to reach the beautiful falls out behind the human touch. Yet he'd never stopped and let himself simply enjoy the beauty that was so close to home. What he traveled days for, could be right where he called home. This home he moved to the very first day he became a legal adult, because the idea of spending another waking minute with his overbearing parents simply killed him.

So he explored the streets, in the early mornings before a soul was awake to notice. Who would have thought, such beauty could take place right by the very opposite of beauty. So close to the urban city, yet like a whole other world. Taehyung indulged in each ridge in the mountains he observed from afar, only wishing he could climb their endless peaks. He stopped to admire each blossom tree, wondering of their beauty when they'd bloom mid-April. Each step he took created mystery, yet unraveled something more.

A chill to the eyes stopped Taehyung in his tracks. Something about that ice cold feeling embedded his feet where he stood as he stared deep into the forest in front of him. But why did it scare him? It made his skin crawl discomfortingly. Each step he took, creating tremors in his hands. The place was like an eerie ghost town. The cars that rumbled by spurting clouds of putrid gas were like a whole other world.

Taehyung was on the barrier of something; he could feel it. The urge to explore it was oh so tempting. Should he? A place of mystery and secrets. An abandoned strip of land just begging for a victim to enter unknowingly.

An unsettling tingly feeling could be felt, like ice cold fingertips on his neck, a glare set upon him. Someone was watching him; but no one was there. Nothing could be seen through the darkness but the faint outline of trees. If there were a person there, only God could find them amongst the array of oddly shaped trees.

„What are you hiding?" Was Taehyung's soft murmur, as he cocked his head to one side. His eyes scanned every area in attempt to spot someone. Only trees met his eyes, an old shack that looked almost ready to break down the only sign of mankind even existing. „Who are you?" The feeling of discomfort stopped as the person left and he was back to feel nothing. In a way, his body filled with disappointment. That adrenaline to venture further tugging at his insides.

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