"Do you know where she was from?" Freya spoke up. "We should tell her family."

I hadn't thought about telling her family. I shook my head. "Um... no. She never mentioned it. I met her in Rookrust but she didn't live there."

"Well I doubt she lived in Plolis either considering the nurse and other people there hadn't seemed to know her." Freya thought for a moment. "That leaves Zery, Dragon Pass, Saltview, Risen, or Iceshore as the closest towns then. New trainers probably don't travel far from home before receiving their first pokémon right? Not with the crime rate here."

"Right." I nodded, glad to be distracted from Jay's death, even if that was what our topic related to. "The professors usually send an escort or meet you personally unless you'd prefer to travel the entire way to Rookrust."

"Iceshore is up ahead, we should probably start asking there."

Pain shot through me for a moment, not physical but it might as well have been. Finding Jay's parents, who had never met any of us, and telling them their daughter was dead was going to be horrible. I doubted they would like any of us after hearing it and I didn't know if I could handle actually telling them what happened. Would they blame us? I wouldn't be too surprised if they did.

A loud cry was heard up ahead from a pokémon and absol tensed up before giving out a reply, the sound echoing loudly off the mountainside. I wasn't sure what to expect after that but we started moving faster again, the calls between the pokémon getting louder and closer together the farther we went until absol came to a complete halt and sat down. I stood there, unsure if we should keep going or wait for whatever pokémon absol was waiting on. For all I knew this wasn't even about helping us. It could've just been absol being friendly and wanting company.

I was about to speak my thoughts to Freya when a second absol appeared and now that I saw two of them I could clearly see the one we had followed had been a female considering the size of the blade on its head. The two pokémon greeted each other before the male turned back the way it had came from and I was shocked to see a shiny umbreon with a familiar purple scarf come into view, quickly followed by Jay. For a second I just stood there, scared this was a dream I was about to wake up from just to find her dead again, before putting Ralts down and running over to her, pulling her against me in a hug.

"Jay...!" I held her tighter against me, needing to know she was really there. "I'm so sorry, I should've gotten to you faster."

I heard her give a small sound of pain and pulled back slightly, guilt running through me for possibly hurting her-or rather hurting her worse- but saw her smirking at me. "It's fine. You tried."

"It isn't fine." I insisted. "I thought you were dead. We all did."

"Well, I'm not. I was pretty surprised too." This time she couldn't completely hide the weariness and pain from her voice.

"Are you hurt badly?" A stupid question. She'd fallen during a rockslide, of course she was probably badly injured.

However, Jay laughed and responded with a reference to the conversation back at Sandhill. "Angels don't get hurt."

I sighed. She was going to be difficult about it. Before I could ask her again to tell me though, Freya spoke up. "How did you get out? You were going to be crushed."

Jay glanced over at the male absol. "Well, I wasn't sure myself for a while but I think Soul used protect to stop anything falling on me. And Curse taught herself heal bell, which helped some of my injuries I guess... I'm still kind of sore though."

"I see." I wasn't quite sure if she was lying or leaving anything out but none of us pushed for answers. She wasn't going to tell us now anyway. "So, do these absol belong to someone then?"

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